
Letter from Prime Minister Martin Re: Eradicating debt at UN summit/WB-IMF Annual meetings - January 3, 2006

January 3, 2006

Mr. John Mihevc
Halifax Initiative Coalition
Suite 104, 153 Chapel Street
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 1H5

Dear Mr. Mihevc:

Thank you for your letter of September 12, 2005 regarding Canada's contributions to the global fight against poverty. I regret the delay of my reply.

The United Nations Millennium +5 Summit and the annual meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) were extremely important opportunities to secure commitments to advance international efforts toward poverty alleviation. Canada was very active in the lead-up to these events and Canadian officials worked hard to ensure that there was no erosion of existing international commitments in the United Nations Summit Outcome document. In this, I believe, we were largely successful.

Letter to Minister Peterson regarding disclosure of information at EDC - March 29, 2005

March 29, 2005

The Honourable James Peterson
Minister of International Trade
125 Sussex Drive
Tower B, 5th Floor
Ottawa, ON K1A 0G2

R.e.: Disclosure of information at Export Development Canada

Dear Mr. Peterson

I am writing you on behalf of the Halifax Initiative Coalition, a Coalition of development, environment, faith-based, human rights and labour groups, regarding Export Development Canada’s (EDC) disclosure policy.

Letter to Prime Minister Martin Re: Nomination of Paul Wolfowitz - March 29, 2005

March 29, 2005

The Right Honourable Paul Martin
Prime Minister of Canada
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A2

RE: Canadian NGOs Call on Canada to Vote Against the US Nomination for Next World Bank President.

Dear Prime Minister,

We the undersigned organizations find Paul Wolfowitz to be an unsuitable candidate for the next president of the World Bank. We call on the Government of Canada to oppose the U.S. nomination and instruct the Executive Director, Marcel Mass', to vote against Mr. Wolfowitz's nomination.

Letter from Minister Goodale Re: Nomination of Paul Wolfowitz- April 12, 2005

APR 12, 2005


Mr. John Mihevc
Halifax Initiative Coalition
104-153 Chapel Street
Ottawa, ON KIN 1H5

Dear Mr. Mihevc:

Thank you for your correspondence of March 17, 2005, in which you raised concerns about the U.S. nominee, Dr. Paul Wolfowitz, for the position of President of the World Bank. I appreciate your views.

On March 31, Canada joined the consensus of World Bank shareholders to select Dr. Wolfowitz as the tenth President of the World Bank. Prior to this decision, Canada and other member countries, through their Executive Directors, had discussions with Dr. Wolfowitz on issues related to the Bank's policies, programs and ongoing mission of poverty reduction.


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