Media Advisory: November 9, 2006

Press Conference: Regulating the Activities of Canadian Mining Companies


  • José De Echave, CooperAcción, Peru
  • Thomas Akabzaa, Coordinator, Africa Initiative on Mining, Environment and Society, Ghana
  • Jacques Saramin Boengkih, Director, Agence Kanak de développement, New Caledonia

Monday, November 13 at 12:45

Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Amphitheatre SH-2800 200 Sherbrooke Street West

Press Responses: Tuesday, August 24, 2004

David Agren
The Ottawa Citizen

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

A Canadian mining company that struck a rich vein of gold in Transylvania has encountered strong opposition from environmental groups and local residents who are organizing an MTV-sponsored concert to try to thwart the development of a giant open-pit mine.

Organizers expect 2,000 protesters and fans to converge on Rosia Montana, a mineral-rich, but impoverished corner of western Romania this weekend for a concert headlined by hip-hop and alternative rock acts and a march to oppose to the project.

Press Responses: April 4, 2007

Adopt New Mining Guidelines:Report

Canada should adopt guidelines to improve transparency as well as the environmental and human rights practices of Canadian companies involved in extractive industries in the developing world, says a government-appointed advisory group. It says if these measures are adopted, Canada could become a world leader in Corporate Social Responsibility.

DFAIT response Re: Three Gorges - March 17, 2003

March 17, 2003

Mr. Fraser Reilly-King and Co-signatories
NGO Working Group on the EDC
Halifax Initiative
104-153 Chapel Street
Ottawa, Ontario

Dear Mr. Reilly-King and Co-signatories:

Thank you for your e-mail and letters of January 17, 2003, with which you enclosed a copy of the report entitled Human Rights Dammed Off at Three Gorges, concerning the Three Gorges Hydroelectric Project in China. I am also replying on behalf of my colleague the Minister for International Trade, the Honourable Pierre S. Pettigrew.

We have taken note of the allegations in your report and will continue to monitor developments. In its human rights dialogue with China, Canada works to promote improved governance and democratic development. We raise concerns about the human rights situation with the Chinese leadership at every available opportunity.
