The Front Page Archive

13 years 4 months ago.   Corporate accountability, Domestic legislation, ECA Reform, EDC regulation, Environment, Government accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions, Human, Human rights, IFI accountability, IFI governance, IFI policies and positions, Transparency and disclosure.   ODA accountability consultation; World Bank dumps human rights; Bank report on extractives ignores reality.   Read more ...
13 years 4 months ago.   Corporate accountability, Human rights, IFI accountability, IFI governance, IFI policies and positions, IFI reform.   International CSO statemen regarding human rights and the International Finance Corporation's draft sustainabilty framework.   Read more ...
13 years 5 months ago.   Government accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions, Human rights, IFI accountability, IFI policies and positions, Poverty, Transparency and disclosure.   Submission by the Halifax Initiative and CCIC regarding implementation of the Official Development Assistance Accountability Act.   Read more ...
13 years 5 months ago.   globalization, Government of Canada policies and positions, Millennium Development Goals, Poverty, Sustainability, Tax Justice.   Return of the financial transactions tax Embassy Magazine, Feb. 16, 2011 By John Jacobs In spite of Canada's attempt to bury it at the Toronto G20 meeting, a tax on financial transactions is back on the global agenda and gaining momentum. French President Nicolas Sarkozy has pledged to use his term as chair of the G20 to reform the global financial system and curb the speculation that contributed to the economic crisis. At the top of his agenda is an international financial transactions tax (FTT) to fund the fight against poverty and climate change.   Read more ...
13 years 5 months ago.   Corporate accountability, Domestic legislation, ECA Reform, globalization, Government accountability, Human rights, IFI accountability, Tax Justice.   Ruggie guidelines stir debate In 2008, the UN Human Rights Council extended Special Representative John Ruggie’s mandate on business and human rights. Among other things, the Council asked Mr. Ruggie to identify “concrete and practical recommendations on ways to strengthen the fulfilment of the duty of the State to protect all human rights from abuses by or involving transnational corporations.”   Read more ...
13 years 8 months ago.   Corporate accountability, Domestic legislation, EDC reform, EDC regulation, Government accountability, Human rights.   Interview with Karyn Keenan, Halifax Initiative Program Officer and Gordon Peeling, President of the Mining Association of Canada, before Third Reading of Bill C-300 in the House of Commons.   Read more ...
13 years 8 months ago.   Corporate accountability, Domestic legislation, Government accountability, IFI accountability, IFI governance, Tax Justice.   Victims of Kilwa Massacre Seek Justice in Canada Congolese nationals have launched a class action law suit in a Montreal court against Canadian mining company, Anvil Mining. At least 73 civilians were killed in 2004 when the Congolese Armed Forces attacked residents in the town of Kilwa. A UN investigation revealed that planes, vehicles, personnel and food controlled by Anvil Mining were used by the army during the attack (see IU Oct. 31, 2008).   Read more ...
13 years 8 months ago.   Corporate accountability, Domestic legislation, EDC regulation, Government accountability, Human rights.   Bill C-300: Narrow Defeat despite Widespread Support for Mining Accountability and Human Rights Ottawa, October 28th, 2010 - The Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability (CNCA) deeply regrets the defeat of Private Member’s Bill C-300, The Responsible Mining Bill, at third and final reading in the House of Commons. The Bill lost by a narrow margin of 140 to 134.   Read more ...
13 years 8 months ago.   Corporate accountability.   Government’s new Toothless Review Mechanism Underlines why Responsible Mining Bill C-300 is Necessary Ottawa, October 26, 2010 – One day before the third and final vote in the House of Commons on Bill C-300, the government has launched its Review Process, a dispute resolution mechanism whereby the Extractive Sector Corporate Social Responsibility Counsellor proposes to mediate between aggrieved communities and Canadian mining, oil, and gas companies. Significant deficiencies render this mechanism inadequate to resolve serious community grievances: the dispute mechanism is voluntary in nature, lacks a transparent fact-finding function and will lead to neither recommendations to government nor to sanctions. Consequently, Bill C-300 remains an important piece of legislation.   Read more ...
13 years 10 months ago.   Corporate accountability, Domestic legislation, EDC regulation, Government accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions, Human rights.   The North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) recently devoted an edition of its magazine Report on the Americas to Canadian foreign policy in Latin America. The Canadian edition features an article by HI's Program Officer on Canadian mining investment in the region. The article describes recent efforts to reform domestic policy and law regarding the overseas operations of Canadian extractive companies. It focuses on current initiatives that seek to create accountability mechanisms for several government agencies that facilitate Canadian mining, oil and gas investments in the global South. To read the article click here. To access the article in Spanish click here.   Read more ...


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