Public Finance

The Canadian government provides significant financing for the public and private sectors through domestic and international financial institutions. We seek the adoption of enhanced transparency and accountability measures regarding the operations of Export Development Canada and the World Bank.

9 years 1 month ago.   .   A service to provide the private sector with intelligence on 'emerging and frontier' markets owned by The Christian Science Monitor quotes a case study produced by Halifax Initiative and Justiça nos Trilhos.   Read more ...
9 years 2 months ago.   .   Information request to EDC regarding financing it provided to Petrobras and Brookfield Asset Management. Both companies are being investigated for corrupt practices in Brazil.   Read more ...
9 years 5 months ago.   .   NEW PUBLICATION on export credit and human rights. The document features a case study on Export Development Canada and Brazilian mining company Vale.   Read more ...
10 years 8 months ago.   .   This year, a coalition of development and environment organizations commissioned an independent assessment of Canada’s Fast-Start Climate Finance program. The assessment raises serious concerns about Canada’s willingness to support developing countries cope with the impacts of climate change.   Read more ...
11 years 3 weeks ago.   Corporate accountability, ECA Reform, EDC regulation, Environment, Government accountability, Human rights.   In 2012, Export Development Canada provided Eldorado Gold with between $25 and $50 million in financing despite credible concerns regarding the serious environmental and social impacts of its operations in Greece.   Read more ...
11 years 5 months ago.   Corporate accountability, ECA Reform, Environment, Human rights, IFI, IFI accountability, Transparency and disclosure.   Oyu Tolgoi is an enormous copper and gold deposit in Mongolia. The project is jointly owned by Canadian company Turquoise Hill Resources and a state owned enterprise. According to the International Finance Corporation (IFC), estimated project cost is $12 billion. Project proponents seek financing from Export Development Canada, the IFC, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, among others. In this document, CSOs argue that the project does not comply with the IFC Performance Standards and provide a series of recommendations.   Read more ...
11 years 7 months ago.   Corporate accountability, Domestic legislation, ECA Reform, EDC reform, EDC regulation, Human rights, IFI, IFI accountability, IFI governance, IFI policies and positions.   The UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights held its first forum on December 4 and 5 in Geneva. The Halifax Initiative spoke at the forum on a panel concerning public financial institutions and human rights. ECA-Watch, CIEL and BankTrack disseminated the attached document at the forum containing analysis and recommendations regarding financial institutons and human rights.   Read more ...
11 years 8 months ago.   Corporate accountability, Domestic legislation, ECA Reform, EDC reform, EDC regulation, Environment, Government accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions, Human rights, IFI, IFI accountability, IFI governance, IFI policies and positions, IFI reform.   This month we examine 'odious investment' - Mongolia Undermined; (Mis)Investment in Agriculture; More than Bricks and Mortar; and the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board.   Read more ...
12 years 1 month ago.   Corporate accountability, Domestic legislation, Environment, Government accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions, Human rights, IFI policies and positions, Poverty, Tax Justice.   Presentation concerning the role of the private sector in international development with a focus on new CIDA programming in support of the extractive sector.   Read more ...
12 years 4 months ago.   EDC reform, EDC regulation.   Statement by the Latin American Observatory of Environmental Conflicts concerning Barrick Gold's failure to secure financing from Export Development Canada and the U.S. Export-Import Bank for its Pascua Lama project on the border between Chile and Argentina.   Read more ...
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