Event: Conference on Risk, Responsibility and Human Rights - May 3-4, 2004
Risk, Responsibility and Human Rights: Assessing the Human Rights Impacts of Trade and Project Finance Panel discussion and expert meeting
In an effort to address the lack of dialogue around the issue of human rights and trade and project financing, and acknowledging the increasing pressure for corporations, ECAs and other public international financial institutions (PIFIs) to take human rights into account, the NGO Working Group on Export Development Canada (WG), in collaboration with Rights & Democracy (formerly ICHRDD), organized a meeting in Ottawa on May 3rd and 4th, 2004 to discuss how the human rights impacts of trade and project finance can be assessed.
This conference builds on previous discussions amongst civil society on this issue. The May 2004 workshop will build on those initial meetings, bringing together experts from government (including EDC), academia and civil society to explore the challenges and opportunities for developing a Human Rights Impact Assessment. When: May 3-4, 2004
Event: Talk on Colombian struggle against privatization - December 2, 2003
This meeting will be in English and Spanish
SPEAKER: Jorge Lerma, President, Union Sindical de Trabajadores de las Communicaciones (USTC)
WHEN: 7 pm, Tuesday, December 2, 2003
WHERE: PSAC Meeting Rm, Ground Floor, 233 Gilmour Street
SPONSORED BY: CUPE, CUPW, PSAC, ODLC, Sisters in Solidarity, CLC, CEP, CAW, NGO Working Group on EDC
Event: Cross-Canada talks on forced disappearances - December 1 - 9, 2003
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Meet indigenous human rights activist, Angélica Mendoza de Ascarza and, Marta Cecilia Domicó, daughter of disappeared indigenous leader, Kimy Pernía Domicó, during their Canadian tour of the 2003 John Humphrey Freedom Award Visit Rights & Democracy for further details on the award, and see the schedule below to see if the speakers are coming to your town. |
Event: Cross Canada tour on privatization, October 2003
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The “Private Interests vs. Public Goods” tour aims to bring Southern activists working on privatization issues at the local or national level to share their stories and strategies with Canadians facing the privatization of health care, education, energy, water and other public services.
Get a copy of "Empty Promises - The IMF, the World Bank, and the Planned Failures of Global Capitalism", which includes over 30 brief articles detailing everything you wanted to know about these two institutions. For press articles resulting from the tour go to the Media button on the navigation bar, to Press Responses to Structural Adjustment. |
Report on Addressing Unsustainable and Illegitimate Debt (February 2003)
“Addressing Unsustainable and Illegitimate Debt—Strategic Options for Civil Society”
Event: G8 Counter Conference, the G6B People's Summit (July 2002)
Final Report on the G6B (Group of 6 billion) People’s Summit
The Halifax Initiative participated in the G6B People’s Summit. We assisted in bringing to the Summit two Southern activists, with whom we work - Tundu Lissu, a Tanzanian activist with the Lawyers Environmental Action Team, to discuss the impacts of foreign direct investment in mining, and Virginia Setshedi, a South African activist with the Soweto Electricity Crisis Committee. As well, Pam Foster, Coordinator, participated on three panels, presenting on financial liberalization, the environment and the G8.
Click here for the Speech on Financial Liberalization
Event: Talking G8: The Travelling Road Show
Talking G8: The Travelling Road Show
At the invitation of the Parkland Institute and the Alberta Council for Global Cooperation, the Halifax Initiative participated in education events in 10 cities in Alberta to discuss the upcoming G8 meeting in Kananaskis, in June 2002.
Pamphlet [ PDF file ] (1.5 Mb)
G20, World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings, November 17, 2001
ttawa Premiere of the award-winning documentary "Life and Debt"
A scathing indictment of economic globalization
Ottawa - Life and Debt, winner of the Critics Award at the Los Angeles Film Festival 2001, will be shown on the same day as the World Bank and the IMF meetings in Ottawa. Life and Debt offers a clear analysis of globalization and its negative impacts, focusing on the impacts of the World Bank and the IMF on Jamaica. Canada represents the World Bank and the IMF on the Board of Directors of both of these institutions.
This film is being shown by World Inter-Action Mondiale and Halifax Initiative following the November 17th Day of Action for Peace and Justice calling attention to the failures of economic globalization.
Roger Ebert, in a review of this film for the Chicago Sun-Times, wrote: "If you're curious about why the demonstrators are so angry, this is why they're so angry."
G20, World Bank/ IMF Annual Meetings, November 16, 2001
What: Teach-in: Global Justice, Global Peace