Transparency and disclosure
ECA and IFI -funded projects
This page links to information concerning a number of projects on which we have worked, in solidarity with local communities. In some cases, the projects rely on World Bank funding. In others they involve Canadian companies that may be seeking, or have secured, financial support from Export Development Canada (EDC). Sometimes they involve both. Regardless of the source of funding, in all cases, communities have contacted us because they are concerned about the significant adverse environmental, social and human rights impacts of the projects.
Canadian organizations welcome first step toward extractive industry transparency
In this June 13 press release, civil society welcomes the government's commitment to adopt binding corporate disclosure requirements but calls for further steps in the development of a comprehensive accountability framework regarding the overseas operations of Canadian extractive companies.
CSOs: Oyu Tolgoi non-compliant with IFC Performance Standards
Oyu Tolgoi is an enormous copper and gold deposit in Mongolia. The project is jointly owned by Canadian company Turquoise Hill Resources and a state owned enterprise. According to the International Finance Corporation (IFC), estimated project cost is $12 billion. Project proponents seek financing from Export Development Canada, the IFC, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, among others. In this document, CSOs argue that the project does not comply with the IFC Performance Standards and provide a series of recommendations.
Africa's Renaissance - Seminar at Carleton University, October 31, 1 - 2:30PM
The Africa-Canada Forum (Canadian Council for International Cooperation), the Halifax Initiative & the Institute of African Studies present a critical discussion regarding economic growth, aid and sustainable development in Africa. Speakers include Tetteh Hormeku-Ajei (Third World Network), James Henry (formerly McKinsey & Co.) and Vitalice Meja (Reality of Aid).
Issue Update - August 31, 2012
The debt edition featuring articles on the re-emerging debt crisis, odious debt, debt distress assessments, export credit agencies and soveriegn debt work-out procedures.
Issue Update - April 30, 2012
Chilean and Argentine organizations question EDC due diligence
In this letter to Export Development Canada and the U.S. Export-Import Bank, Chilean and Argentine organizations express harsh criticisms regarding the public agencies' due diligence processes concerning Barrick Gold's application for support for Pascua Lama.
Monthly Issue Update - November 30, 2011
Transparency and the international economy; Cannes G20 postmortem; export credit agencies fail on human rights.
Consultation sur la LOI ODA - 2011
L’Honorable James Flaherty
Ministre des Finances
Ministère des Finances Canada
140, O’Connor Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0G5
Monsieur le Ministre,
Re : consultation 2010-2011 au sujet de la Loi sur la responsabilité en matière d’aide au développement officielle