Currency Transaction Tax
Monthly Issue Update - January 31, 2012
Energy poverty, climate change and the World Bank; Durban postmortem.
The Financial Transactions Tax (FTT)
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The Financial Transactions Tax (FTT)
Part 1
Return of the financial transactions tax - Op-ed
Return of the financial transactions tax
Embassy Magazine, Feb. 16, 2011
By John Jacobs
In spite of Canada's attempt to bury it at the Toronto G20 meeting, a tax on financial transactions is back on the global agenda and gaining momentum.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy has pledged to use his term as chair of the G20 to reform the global financial system and curb the speculation that contributed to the economic crisis. At the top of his agenda is an international financial transactions tax (FTT) to fund the fight against poverty and climate change.
Civil Society Statement: G20: Take Action on FTT
To sign on to this letter, send the name of the organization and country in which it is based by 5PM Washington DC time on November 3rd to Amy Gray:
International Civil Society Statement to the G-20 Leaders Summit in Seoul
We, the undersigned civil society organizations from 32 countries, urge G-20 leaders to make concrete progress towards the introduction of an internationally coordinated financial transactions tax (FTT) at the upcoming summit in Seoul.
Press Responses: Op Ed - The Robin Hood Tax – Its Aim is True
In "Alternatives", April 1, 2010
T-A-X. Such a simple three letter word, and yet it elicits responses from people out of all proportion to its size. Perhaps it isn’t surprising. Taxes are scary.
But let’s not forget, as much as you may hate them, without them, we wouldn’t have public health care, education, infrastructure, police and ambulances, government, politicians…(OK, maybe scratch that one). You get the idea. Boring and controversial as they are, taxes are essential.
Monthly Issue Update - March 31, 2010
The corporate responsibilty to respect human rights
Detractors of Private Member’s Bill C-300 (IU February 2009) draw attention to the bill’s treatment of human rights. The bill establishes guidelines for Canadian extractive companies that operate overseas. These guidelines must be met by companies that receive support from Export Development Canada, the Canadian Pension Plan and Canadian embassies. The guidelines are to include provisions based on Canada's international human rights obligations.
Monthly Issue Update - November 30, 2009
Volume V, Number 11— November 30, 2009
Corporate Accountability Hearings Heat Up
Monthly Issue Update - November 30, 2009
Corporate Accountability Hearings Heat Up
Things were hopping this month in Parliamentary hearings on Bill-300, An Act respecting Corporate Accountability for the Activities of Mining, Oil or Gas in Developing Countries (see IU February 2009). The Bill was presented before the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development by MP John McKay on May 25. This month Committee members heard riveting testimony from diverse witnesses (see JUST THE FACTS). Speakers included: Romina Picolotti, former Secretary of the Environment for Argentina and winner of the prestigious Sophie Prize for environment and sustainable development; Stephen Hunt, former mine worker and current Director at the United Steelworkers union; Marketa Evans, the federal government’s new Corporate Social Responsibility Counsellor; and mining companies Barrick Gold, Goldcorp and Kinross.