Press Responses: June 11, 2008

CSR Roundtable Response - Lee Berthiaume, Embassy

Opposition members of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development passed a motion on June 3 recommending the government respond “in a reasonable time” to the results of a national roundtable on corporate social responsibility and the Canadian mining industry in developing countries.

“We’re going on over 450 days. It was more than a year ago that the government said it would respond soon,” said the motion’s sponsor, NDP Foreign Affairs critic Paul Dewar. 

“I think Canadians want to know where this government stands on the report that was a ground breaking report on corporate social responsibility.”

Deepak Obhrai, parliamentary secretary to the foreign affairs minister, said the government is working on the response but needed time to ensure it had analyzed the results of its actions. 

“You have to look at all the recommendations, what impacts other laws, what impacts other situations, what impacts other government policies and what are the impacts on the government’s direction,” he said.

“[The government] may adopt a lot of recommendations that come forward, but it may not adopt certain recommendations over here.”