Letter to EDC President Re: CSR and the DRC - June 8, 2007

Mr. Eric Siegel
President and Chief Executive Officer
Export Development Canada
151 O’Connor St.
Ottawa, ON
K1A 1K3

June 8, 2007

Re: EDC workshop on socially responsible mining practices in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Dear Mr. Siegel,

We would like to thank Export Development Canada for including the Halifax Initiative Coalition and Entraide missionnaire in its recent multi-stakeholder workshop on “how to best support the mining industry in the DRC.”  We were pleased to participate in this important discussion with representatives of the Canadian mining industry, Canadian government, consultants, international financial institutions and EDC, among others.

Press Release - Monday, November 10, 2003

European protests mount around Canadian gold-mine

Ottawa - Monday, November 10th, 2003, Today, in major cities across Europe, hundreds of people gathered outside Canadian embassies to protest Canadian Gabriel Resources proposed open cast gold mine in Rosia Montana, Romania.

The demonstrations took place in Budapest, Amsterdam, Vienna, Bratislava and Prague. In Bucharest, the protestors demanded that the Canadian Ambassador visit the site in the Apuseni Mountains to see the project's impacts for himself.

Letter to the Prime Minister Re: Cernavoda 2 - March 5, 2002

March 5th, 2002

The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien
Prime Minister
Government of Canada
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada       K1A 0A2
(613) 941-6900

Subject: Cernavoda 2 Nuclear Power Plant project in Romania, EDC export credit approval

Dear Prime Minister Chrétien,

We are writing you to express our deep concern about the possibility that Export Development Canada (EDC) will approve $390 million ($250 million US) in financing for the completion of the second CANDU reactor of the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant (C2) in Romania.

World Bank considers project in violation of WB policies Re: Environmental Impact Assessment

The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline project is likely to go to the World Bank Board of Directors on October 30, 2003. A review of the Environmental Impact Assessment shows it in violation of almost all of World Bank policies.

Letter to Marcel Masse, Canadian Executive Director of the World Bank Group

Executive Summary of the Environmental Impact Assessment

Civil society organizations demand reform of World Bank Group lending to private corporations

Submission by Civil Society Organizations to the International Finance Corporation

Commenting on The Social and Environmental Sustainability Policy, Performance Standards and Disclosure Policy

11 March 2010


The undersigned civil society organizations have prepared this joint submission to provide an overview of many of our concerns related to IFC’s Policy on Social and Environmental Sustainability, the Performance Standards, related guidance documents, and the Disclosure Policy. We believe these concerns should be explored and addressed further through IFC’s current consultation and review process.

World Bank Press Release: Friday, July 23, 2004

World Bank Sanctions Acres International Limited

World Bank News Release No: 2005/33/S

WASHINGTON, Jul. 23, 2004 – The World Bank has sanctioned Acres International Limited (Acres), a Canadian company, as a result of corrupt activities related to its Bank financed contract associated with the Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP). Acres was declared ineligible to receive any new Bank financed contracts for a period of three years. This action is part of the Bank’s broad anticorruption efforts initiated by President James Wolfensohn in 1996. More information on the World Bank’s overall anticorruption policies and activities can be found at: http://www.worldbank.org/anticorruption.
