
Il y a 17 years 11 months.   .   NOUVELLES RÉCENTES concernant LES INSTITUTIONS FINANCIÈRES INTERNATIONALES Selectionnez ici pour pdf   Read more ...
Il y a 17 years 11 months.   Corporate accountability, Transparency and disclosure.   Norway cancels illegitimate debt On October 2, in an unprecedented move, Norway's International Development Minister, Erik Solheim, announced that the Norwegian government would unilaterally and unconditionally cancel US$80 million (NOK520 million) of illegitimate bilateral debt held by Ecuador, Egypt, Jamaica, Peru and Sierra Leone. Acknowledging that these debts stemmed from a “development policy failure”, Oslo also accepted that as a creditor country it had a shared responsibility for the debts. Furthermore, the cancellation will not form part of Norway’s Overseas Development Assistance, meaning that it will be additional to current aid spending.   Read more ...
Il y a 18 years 2 days.   IFI accountability, Transparency and disclosure.   For pdf, click here.   Read more ...
Il y a 18 years 1 week.   Corporate accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions.   THE GALLON ENVIRONMENT LETTERCanadian Institute for Business and the EnvironmentFisherville, Ontario, CanadaTel. 416 410-0432, Fax: 416 362-5231   Read more ...
Il y a 18 years 1 week.   Corporate accountability, Domestic legislation, Environment, Human rights.   Canadian mineral industry abroad lawless Human rights activists want regulations to replace voluntary standards by Amy Steel for FastForward   Read more ...
Il y a 18 years 1 week.   Human rights. Chronicles Mining controversies fly under the radar By Terry Glavin Publish Date: 12-Oct-2006 Last month, in Ecuador's Imbabura province, "ecoterrorists" kidnapped seven technical staff associated with the Vancouver-based mining company Ascendant Copper. Two of the workers escaped almost immediately; three were released the following day, and the last two hostages were freed after a four-day standoff, but only after 60 police officers moved in. The result was the arrest and conviction of two radicals from an extremist organization operating in the mountains.   Read more ...
Il y a 18 years 2 weeks.   .   Qui : José de Echave, Cooperaccion, Pérou Thomas Akabzaa, Coordonnateur African Initiative on Mining Environment and Society, Ghana Jacques Saramin Boengkih, Directeur de l'Agence Kanak de développement, Nouvelle Calédonie Quand : 12h45 , le lundi 13 novembre 2006 Où : UQAM, Amphithéâtre SH-2800, 200, Sherbrooke Ouest   Read more ...
Il y a 18 years 2 weeks.   Human rights.   Canadian miners, explorers taken to task by African NGOs By: Rodrick Mukumbira Posted: '09-OCT-06 10:00' GMT © Mineweb 1997-2006 WINDHOEK ( --A call has been made to the Canadian government by African civil society organisations for it to regulate Canadian mining companies operating internationally.   Read more ...
Il y a 18 years 3 weeks.   Corporate accountability, Domestic legislation, Environment, Human rights.   Struggle at the top of the Andes   Read more ...
Il y a 18 years 3 weeks.   .   Philippines   TVI Pacific Inc.     Read more ...
