Tax Justice

Tax revenues in both Northern and the Southern countries are being eroded largely due to tax evasion by multinational corporations. We promote improved financial transparency, reform of global tax rules, and tax compliance as corporate and government accountability issues. See also, our Tax Justice Resource List.

Il y a 11 years 11 months.   .   James Henry, former chief economist at McKinsey and Co., is an international expert on capital flight, tax havens, debt and corporate taxation. Mr. Henry spoke to Evan Solomon on CBC's Power and Politics regarding tax evasion in Canada.   Read more ...
Il y a 12 years 5 months.   Corporate accountability, Human rights, Tax Justice, Transparency and disclosure.   The tax edition: the fair tax summit, mobilizing domestic resources and the financial secrecy index. Plus Pascua Lama and Talisman.   Read more ...


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