
Il y a 21 years 1 month.   Corporate accountability.   Mr.   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 1 month.   Corporate accountability.   August 20, 2003 Señor Doctor Ricardo Lagos Presidente de la República de Chile Palacio de la Moneda Santiago, Chile Fax: 011-56-2 690-4020   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 1 month.   Corporate accountability.   Acres loses appeal on bribery charge in Lesotho Canadian engineering firm convicted of bribing top official has fine reduced By KAREN MacGREGOR Special to The Globe and Mail Monday, August 18, 2003 - Page B3   DURBAN -- Canadian engineering firm Acres International Ltd. lost an appeal against conviction on a charge of bribery in a high-profile corruption case in Lesotho on Friday -- but won its fight against a second graft conviction and had a whopping fine of $4.2-million reduced to $2.8-million.   The Oakville, Ont., firm -- the first of three multinationals charged with bribing a top official to win lucrative contracts in the $3.3-billion Lesotho Highlands Water Project, which delivers water to Lesotho and South Africa -- was convicted last year of two counts of corruption. It was the first conviction by a developing country of a bribe-giving western company.   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 1 month.   Corporate accountability.   Noranda faces tough opposition: Chilean President against company’s proposed aluminum smelter in Patagonia   For immediate release     Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 1 month.   .   Resentment builds in Lesotho highlands   BBC Radio 4's Crossing Continents visited Lesotho, one of the world's poorest countries, where 30,000 people have been relocated because of an ambitious water project.   "Life was much easier before. We were not living as hard as we live here."     Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 1 month.   .   Media release: PNG Landowners say enough is enough.   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 1 month.   IFI policies and positions.   Now they tell us: Privatization is no panacea By MADELAINE DROHAN Wednesday, August 6, 2003 - Page A13 Finally, someone has come to their senses at the World Bank and admitted that letting the private sector run things does not always produce better results than leaving them in public hands. For an organization that has spent two decades pushing privatization with something akin to religious zeal, this amounts to a crisis of faith.   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 1 month.   Government accountability.   August 1, 2003 Mr. Fraser Reilly-King Halifax Initiative 153 Chapel Street, Suite 104 Ottawa, ON  K1N 1H5 Dear Mr. Reilly-King This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 28, 2003, and enclosed documentation. I acknowledge that your letter was also copied to Darlene Pearson, Director, Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, Auditor General of Canada. You do not note in  your letter whether you attempted to resolve your concerns with Export Development Canada (EDC) by any other means. You have referred the matter to ma as Compliance Officer for EDC. Pursuant to the resolution guidelines, upon receipt of such a letter, I must conduct an initial appraisal of your concerns to establish whether they fall within the mandate of EDC’s Compliance Program.   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 1 month.   Government accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions, Human rights.   July 28, 2003 Mr. Fraser Reilly-King NGO Working Group on the EDC Halifax Initaitive 104-153 Chapel Street Ottawa, Ontario K1N 1H5 Dear Mr. Reilly-King: Thank you for your letter of May 16, 2003, concerning the Three Gorges Hydroelectric Project in China. I regret the delay in replying to you.   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 1 month.   .   July 28, 2003 Ms. Alison Lawford Compliance Officer Export Development Canada 151 O’Connor Street, Ottawa ON K1A 1K3 Dear Ms. Lawford: I am writing you on behalf of the NGO Working Group on EDC (WG), a working group of the Halifax Initiative, to file a complaint with regard to the Cernavoda 2 nuclear reactor in Romania. Last January, Export Development Canada (EDC) confirmed that it would provide a $328 million loan guarantee to the Romanian government to help complete the construction of the reactor. In accordance with the guidelines for filing complaints, I have divided this letter into three sections that outline the WG’s opinion of the problem, our opinion on the desired result of an investigation, and what has been done to solve the problem.   Read more ...
