
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   IFI governance, IFI policies and positions, Transparency and disclosure.   Disclosure Policy Room U-11-003 World Bank 1818 H Street Washington, DC, 20433 USA Halifax Initiative submission to consultation on draft information disclosure policy “Whenever you are in doubt, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest man you have seen. Ask yourself if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him. Will it restore him to a control over his own life and destiny? Then you will find your doubt melting away”. - Mahatma Gandhi   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   Corporate accountability, IFI accountability, IFI policies and positions, Transparency and disclosure.   To: Mr. Callisto Madavo Africa Region Vice President World Bank Mr. Peter Harrold, Country Director for Ghana World Bank   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.   Revised - June 18 2003 Structural Adjustment in Canada Most Canadians would be surprised to learn that economists from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) annually visit Canada to dispense advice. We tend to think of the IMF as an institution that prescribes strong medicine, known as Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs), only to less developed countries. In fact our governments regularly follow the same bitter prescriptions.   In 1990 Prime Minister Brian Mulroney boldly declared that Canada needed to undergo structural adjustment which he promised to deliver through free trade agreements with the US and Mexico and harsh spending cuts. Little changed when the Liberals came to power. Much of the content of Finance Minister Paul Martin’s crucial 1995 budget that slashed our social safety net followed directives that came straight from the IMF.     Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   Corporate accountability, Government accountability.   CBC’s “The Current” June 18, 2003 Damming Evidence: Canada and the World Commission on Dams   It's the most expensive construction project in the history of the human race, and one of the largest.   The Three Gorges dam project in China won't be finished until 2009, but this month it passed a symbolic landmark. Engineers closed the dam's sluice gates and for the first time the mighty Yangtze was blocked. The enormous reservoir behind the dam is now starting to fill with water.   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   .   CBC Interview   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   Transparency and disclosure.   June 18, 2003   Mr. Fraser Reilly-King   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   Corporate accountability.   Alburnus Maior - Bankwatch CEE - Friends of the Earth Canada - Greenpeace Canada - NGO Working Group on EDC - Mineral Policy Center - MiningWatch Canada   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   .   The 21st Congress on the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) was held in Montreal, Canada, June 16-20 2003. Over 1200 representatives from mining and hydro companies were present to develop a new Code of Ethics for the industry. However, Canada has yet to follow up on the progressive recommendations put forth by the World Commission on Dams (WCD), despite contributing over $100 000 towards its process. [ Click here to send Action Alert ]   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   Environmental.   MEDIA RELEASE For immediate release Canada refuses to take responsibility for large dam disasters by ignoring World Commission recommendations Ottawa, June 12, 2003 - Canada should implement the recommendations of the World Commission on Dams (WCD), rather than continuing to support such environmental and human rights debacles as China's Three Gorges dam and Colombia's Urra dam, argues a new report, released today by the NGO Working Group on the EDC.   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.     GLOBE AND MAIL, JUNE 12, 2003 Dam promotion draws fire Canadian support ignores environment, homelessness concerns, coalition says   By GEOFFREY YORK Thursday, June 12, 2003 - Page A14     Read more ...
