
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   Government accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions.   Review of "Damming   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   Human rights, IFI policies and positions.   The World Bank, the IMF and FTAA Halifax Initiative Statement on the FTAA The proposed FTAA is nothing new for the Americas. It is another step in the forced:   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   Corporate accountability.   June 10, 2003   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   IFI policies and positions, Transparency and disclosure.   Halifax Initiative Objectives for the World Bank TO begin a transition from its role in financing conventional power loans to a new role in financing sustainable energy technologies the World Bank should : CHANGE ENERGY POLICY: 1. Institute a Moratorium on Lending or Guarantees for any project that involves new exploration for fossil fuel reserves in natural forests, pristine and frontier areas. 2. Phase Out Lending and Guarantees for any World Bank project that involves coal and oil extraction. 3. Institute a Moratorium on Lending and Guarantees for fossil fuel power projects pending : Evaluations of all current and future power projects in full consultation with the communities most affected by the project, respecting the right of the local populations to decline a project which may adversely impact them;   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   Environment.   THE WORLD BANK, BY CREATING THE PCF NOW, IS ACTING UNDEMOCRATICALLY AND IT MUST WAIT FOR A DECISION BY THE CONFERENCE OF PARTIES OF THE KYOTO PROTOCOL. A. Initial Questions 1. How can the World Bank Group recognize the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote the development of a Prototype Carbon Fund without addressing the fundamental problem?   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   Environment, Human rights, Transparency and disclosure.   TABLE OF CONTENTS Submission Appendix A Access to Information Legislation Summary of Access to Information Laws Appendix B   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   Corporate accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions, IFI accountability, IFI policies and positions.   Click here for pdf   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   .   Going Beyond the HIPC Initiative: Another Pathway to Achieving Freedom from the Burden of Debt   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 3 months.   .   Globe and Mail, Saturday, May 31st.     Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 4 months.   Human rights.   May   Read more ...
