
Il y a 21 years 9 months.   Corporate accountability, Human rights, IFI accountability, IFI governance.   December 12, 2002 Mr. James Wolfensohn President The World Bank Group 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20433 U.S.A. Dear Mr. Wolfensohn, We are writing to express dismay at the recent Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman report on the MIGA guarantee of the Bulyanhulu gold mine and to request your urgent intervention. The CAO is a mechanism that non-governmental organizations have pushed hard to establish. Your personal support for the initiative played a major role in ensuring that the CAO was established. As all parties have observed, the CAO's effectiveness rests on the respect and trust it enjoys amongst the public: integrity, transparency, even¬handedness and thoroughness are thus critical to all aspects of its work.   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 9 months.   Human rights.   Linking Investment and Human Rights: the case of export credit agencies Click here for full report in pdf   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 10 months.   Corporate accountability.   November 8, 2002 Dear Fund Manager: I am writing to call your attention to the controversy surrounding Gabriel Resources Ltd. and their proposed open cast gold mine in Romania. I am writing on behalf of the Halifax Initiative, a Canadian coalition of non-governmental organizations working together to monitor international financial institutions and their projects. Our members include Oxfam Canada, West Coast Environmental Law Association and Kairos Canada. We are also working closely with a coalition of people in Romania, actively opposing the proposed mine.   Your company may be considering investing in this project or may have already done so.  We are writing to highlight the risks involved in making such an investment in Gabriel Resources and the Rosia Montana mine.   (1) Commercial Risk   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 10 months.   EDC reform, EDC regulation, Environment.   Click here for pdf "New Report Highlights Environmental Risks of EDC Deal on CANDU Reactor"   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 11 months.   Environment, IFI policies and positions.   Submission to the International Development Committee, House of Commons On the Relationship between the World Bank and Sustainable Development October 25, 2002   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 11 months.   .   Mr. Ian Gillespie President Export Development Canada 151 O'Connor Ottawa Ontario KlA 1K3 23 October, 2002 Dear Mr. Gillespie, It is with grave concern that we write you today regarding potential EDC support for expanding projects of the International Nickel Company (INCO) in Indonesia. As you may be aware, the history of INCO's mining activity in Indonesia is not characterized by consensual relations with affected communities nor by respect for basic environmental standards.   Read more ...
Il y a 21 years 11 months.   IFI policies and positions.   Wall Street Journal (10/11) World Bank Chief Blocks Romanian Gold-Mine Loan By Neil King Jr.     Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 5 days.   Corporate accountability.   Acres Int'l convicted in African bribery case Engineering firm shocked; plans appeal   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 1 week.   .   September 13, 2002   Ms. Pamela Foster   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 1 month.   .   Click here for pdf Villagers had already noticed a decline in the agricultural productivity of their land. Although no scientific studies were carried out, the World Bank-financed Kiambere and other up-stream dams are likely responsible for reduced flooding of the river plains. “We will be reduced to beggars if they interfere with our farming,” says a village elder. “We Pokomo have never killed wildlife, but if you beat me because of wildlife, then I will kill the wildlife because it has become my problem.”[57]     Read more ...
