
Il y a 22 years 3 months.   .   May 31, 2002   Mr. Ian Gillespie President and Chief Executive Officer Export Development Canada 151 O’Connor Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1K3 Dear Mr. Gillespie: I am writing you today on behalf of the NGO Working Group on Export Development Canada to bring to your attention the recent policy developments at the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im) of the United States with regard to supporting renewable energy projects and to ask EDC to adopt Ex-Im’s approach to this important sector.   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 3 months.   .   May 29, 2002 Mr. Ian Gillespie President and Chief Executive Officer Export Development Canada 151 O’Connor Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1K3 Dear Mr. Gillespie: I am writing you today on behalf of the NGO Working Group on Export Development Canada to ask if Export Development Canada (EDC) is considering supporting the following projects: 1.   Alumysa aluminum smelter in southern Chile (Noranda) 2.   Tambo Grande gold mine in Peru (Manhattan Minerals) 3.   Rosia Montana Gold Corporation gold mine in Romania (80% owned by Gabriel Resources Canada)   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 3 months.   .   Roadshow travels to the Hat with answers Wondering about the G8? ( PDF file ) - [ Medicine Hat News ]   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 3 months.   globalization.   Activist links farm woes, globalization Privatization seen as failing farmers   David Finlayson, Journal Staff Writer The Edmonton Journal Monday, May 27, 2002 The same global policies that make African countries economic slaves are hurting Canadian farmers, Ottawa activist and educator Pamela Foster said Sunday.     Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 4 months.   .   The Problem The on-going debt crisis of developing countries is integral to the perpetuation of an unjust economic system, one that concentrates wealth and power in the hands of a few. EVERY SINGLE DAY in 1999, $128 million was transferred from the poorest countries to the richest in debt repayments. For every one dollar in aid to developing countries, more than seven dollars comes back to rich countries in the form of debt servicing.   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 4 months.   .   The ABCs of the WTO, IMF and G8 ( PDF file ) - **vueWeekly   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 4 months.   .   Travelling speakers present G8 perspective (PDF file) - [The St. Paul Journal]   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 4 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.   The Zimbabwe Independent, 17 May, 2002: Nepad's Zim quarantine a false start Remarks by the Canadian High Commissioner to South Africa and shuttle diplomacy this week by South Africa's Thabo Mbeki reveal a worrying trend: The G8 countries are preparing to swallow the deception that African leaders have the Zimbabwe crisis "in hand" and thereby qualify for the US$64 billion on offer for trade and investment under the Nepad plan.   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 4 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.   May 10, 2002   Ms. Melanie Quevillon Coordinator   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 4 months.   Environment, Human rights.   May 9, 2002 The Honourable Pierre Pettigrew Minister for International Trade Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Lester B. Pearson Building 125 Sussex Drive Ottawa, Ontario   K1A 0G2 Dear Minister Pettigrew: I am writing you today on behalf of the NGO Working Group on Export Development Canada to denounce the recent attempted kidnapping of indigenous community leader Sara Imilmaqui in Chile and demand EDC to withdraw its support of the Ralco dam project until the voice of the indigenous Mapuche people is heard.   Read more ...
