
Il y a 23 years 6 hours.   Government accountability.   Government Changes to Export Development Act Disappointing – Coalition Urges for More Accountability     Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 18 hours.   Environment.   Click here for the full report in pdf Submission to the public consultations on EDC's Environmental Review Framework   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 6 days.   Corporate accountability.   Probe International’s Brief on Bill C-31: An Act to amend to Export Development Act... Presented to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade October 18, 2001 by Patricia Adams   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 1 week.   Environment, Government of Canada policies and positions, Human rights.   NGO Working Group on the Export Development Corporation A working group of the Halifax Initiative Background paper for the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade Hearings on Bill C-31 on the Export Development Act October 15, 2001 The NGO Working Group on the Export Development Corporation is a coalition of 17 Canadian non-governmental organisations concerned about the social, human and environmental impacts of export credit agencies. The NGO Working Group has been participating fully in the legislative process on the Export Development Act since 1999, including the SCFAIT hearings in 1999, the public consultations on the EDC’s disclosure policy and environmental review framework, and the international campaign to reform export credit agencies which has focused on the OECD’s Export Credit Guarantees process.   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 2 weeks.   IFI policies and positions.   October 8, 2001 Mr. James Wolfensohn President World Bank Group 1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433 Dear President Wolfensohn: We write to you today, regarding your commitment to an independent review of  the World Bank Group's support of extractive industries. In your statements in Prague you offered that the Bank Group would engage in a serious analysis  of the pros and cons of these industries, similar to the World Commission on Dams (WCD).   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 2 weeks.   Tax Justice.   Conference Papers - Vancouver, October 4-6, 2001 Click here for pdf Between Oct 4 - 6, 2001, Halifax Initiative hosted a conference "Taxing Currency Transactions - From Feasibility to Implementation" which attracted sixty participants from eighteen countries including: Belgium, Benin, Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. The progamme included an evening public forum on Oct 4th attended by over 110 people and the two-day conference.   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 3 weeks.   Corporate accountability, Transparency and disclosure.   Bill C-31, AN ACT TO AMEND THE EXPORT DEVELOPMENT ACT OCTOBER 2001 Linda Nowlan, Executive Director West Coast Environmental Law Association I Introduction — West Coast Environmental Law Association   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 3 weeks.   Domestic legislation.   Conference Summary and Goals Agenda Background on the Halifax Initiative and the Tobin Tax Conference Summary The citizens-led anti-globalization movement is in its ascendancy, yet risks its credibility if it is unable to articulate an agenda of alternatives to the current economic paradigm. At NGO conferences around the world over the last two years, debate has expanded beyond a critique of the existing economic paradigm and systems to the articulation of the "world we want". One critical component of an emerging vision of global equity and justice, supported by a growing number of non-governmental organizations, unions, Parliamentarians and academics around the world, is the currency transactions tax or CTT.   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 1 month.   Corporate accountability, Transparency and disclosure.   Government Cahnges to Export Development Act Too Minor - Leaves Bad Driver in Driver’s Seat Coalition Urges for More Accountability   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 1 month.   .   The UN Multilateral Environmental Agreement /Financial Mechanism as a Model for Currency Transactions Tax Governance and Revenue Redistribution   Read more ...
