
Il y a 23 years 1 month.   Government of Canada policies and positions, Transparency and disclosure.   MEDIA RELEASE NGOS CONDEMN THE EXPORT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR FAILING TO RELEASE BASIC INFORMATION   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 2 months.   Environmental, Government of Canada policies and positions.   G8’s IMPOTENCE IN REFORMING THEIR EXPORT CREDIT AGENCIES NGOs call on G8 governments to soon adopt high level binding common environmental guidelines for their Export Credit Agencies.   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 2 months.   globalization, IFI accountability.   Coalition calls on the G8 to address the causes of unfair globalization, not just the symptoms. Cancel the debt, curb speculative capital, reform the international financial institutions   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 2 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.   Sierra Club of Canada Nuclear Campaign c/o Box 104 Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada  L9P 1M6 tel/fax: 905-852-0571 e-mail: News Release -- For Release: Tuesday July 17, 2001 Canada supports nuclear power, opposes renewables at G8... NGOs SAY STOP FINANCING NUCLEAR EXPORTS   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 2 months.   .   "Taxing Currency Transactions – From Feasibility to Implementation" Pam Foster   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 2 months.   IFI policies and positions.   Why do the world banks insist on their hurricane cut? The international financial institutions aren't letting a disaster stand in the way of debt repayment. Derek MacCuish, Social Justice Committee of Montreal   As efforts get under way to rebuild the Central American countries hit by Hurricane Mitch, the international community faces an old dilemma. Should one deal with the devil, if there is some good in the outcome? Thousands of people were killed in the hurricane. disaster, and most of the rest are now trying to patch their lives together in a context of profound poverty. They need food and medicine, clothing and shelter. People around the world understand this need, and are sending as much as they can, without hesitation.   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 2 months.   Transparency and disclosure.   June 29, 2001   Response to the Export Development Corporation’s Draft Disclosure Policy   by the NGO Working Group on the Export Development Corporation a working group of the Halifax Initiative   The NGO Working Group on the Export Development Corporation (WG) is a coalition of Canadian non-governmental organisations concerned about the social, human and environmental impacts of export credit agencies. The Working Group promotes adherence by export credit agencies, especially Canada’s Export Development Corporation, to internationally accepted standards regarding human rights, the environment and sustainable development. The Working Group is hosted by the Halifax Initiative Coalition.     Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 2 months.   IFI policies and positions, Transparency and disclosure.   June 29, 2001   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 2 months.   Environmental, Human rights.   MEDIA RELEASE GOVERNMENT AVOIDS BRINGING EDC UNDER CANADA’S ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION Changes to EDC’s Policy are good, but not enough (Ottawa, June 26, 2001). Long-awaited changes to the Export Development Corporation’s Act will increase EDC’s accountability, however, the government has failed to use the best tools available, existing legislation which EDC is currently exempted from. EDC is exempted from the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and the Access to Information Act.    Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 2 months.   Human rights.   Extracted from "Who killed Ken Saro-Wiwa?" "Suit against Shell points to corporate responsibility" by Elizabeth Neuffer(Boston Globe)[ Source : "The Gazette, Montreal, Tuesday, June 26, 2001" ]     World Bank okays loan to Nigeria The World Bank last week approved a $15-million loan to Nigeria to provide funding for Nigerian companies working for Shell.   Read more ...
