
Il y a 23 years 3 months.   .   Toronto Star Jun. 15, 01:00 EDT   Manley blasts U.S. on farm-aid Finance minister denounces $190 billion deal Kelly Toughill Atlantic Canada Bureau   HALIFAX — Deputy Prime Minister John Manley came out swinging in his international debut as finance minister yesterday, chastising a top U.S. official for helping the drug trade and hurting the poor.     Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 3 months.   Domestic legislation.   “A Global Agreement towards a United World”, June 1 – 3, 2001, Genoa, Italy Experience with Currency Transactions (Tobin) Taxes – Debunking the Myths and Building Political Support by Robin Round, Policy Analyst The world of finance has become a global gambling casino, where investors seeking quick profits bet huge sums around the clock. Big banks and investment firms are the players, profiting from the minute-to-minute, hourly or daily fluctuations in prices on bond and currency markets around the world. These players are not investing in the `real economy', which generates jobs and produces goods and services, they are investing in the ‘paper economy’ in which money becomes a commodity rather than a means of exchange.   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 3 months.   .   We Can Stop the Hot Money Casino   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 4 months.   Environmental.   MEDIA RELEASE Coalition of NGOs Welcomes Auditor General's Report on the Export Development Corporation’s Environmental Review Framework --Calls for EDC’s exemption from the Calls for EDC’s exemption from the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act to be removed.   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 4 months.   Environmental, Transparency and disclosure.   Export agency to open books Mark MacKinnon, Globe and Mail Tuesday, May 15, 2001    Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 4 months.   .     Group wants Crown-owned bank to follow environmental act when dealing loans STEPHEN THORNE Tuesday, May 15, 2001 OTTAWA (CP) - A coalition of non-governmental organizations wants Ottawa to force the federally owned Export Development Corp. to apply the Environmental Assessment Act when deciding to fund foreign projects.   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 4 months.   EDC regulation, Environmental.   MEDIA RELEASE NGO Report Demonstrates the Export Development Corporation Risks the Environment For immediate release May 14, 2001   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 4 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions, IFI policies and positions.   In Canada, CASA is being undertaken by a Steering Committee of non-governmental organizations from a number of sectors, including labour, development and anti-poverty organizations.   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 4 months.   Domestic legislation, IFI policies and positions.   In Canada, CASA is being undertaken by a Steering Committee of non-governmental organizations from a number of sectors, including labour, development and anti-poverty organizations.   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 4 months.   globalization, Government of Canada policies and positions.   In Canada, CASA is being undertaken by a Steering Committee of non-governmental organizations from a number of sectors, including labour, development and anti-poverty organizations.   Read more ...
