
Il y a 23 years 8 months.   Human rights, IFI policies and positions.   7 February 2001 President Gustavo NoboaPalacio de Gobierno García Moreno 1043 Quito Ecuador Dear President Noboa: We write to you as representatives of civil-society organizations concernedabout the impact of IMF- and World Bank-imposed structural adjustment programs around the world. We are alarmed by reports of violent suppression by your government of the legitimate public protests against the most recently implemented adjustment program in Ecuador. We urge you to cease this repression and to launch a national dialogue to find lasting solutions to the pressing economic and social problems confronting your country.   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 9 months.   .   World Social Forum - Porto Alegre - Jan 25-30, 2001 Robin Round Policy Analyst Halifax Initiative Coalition We use money everyday. Money is a tool; a means to simplify transactions in an economy based on the exchange of goods and services. But the way most of us use money is old fashioned, out of date. Money is no longer a means of exchange but an end in itself. We live in the era of the commodification of money, an era where money has become divorced from the real economy it was originally designed to serve.   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 9 months.   IFI policies and positions.       "Taxing Currency Transactions for Development" January 2001     ABSTRACT   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 10 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.   Canada cuts debt of poorest countries Third World owes up to $1-billion   HEATHER SCOFFIELD The Globe and Mail Tuesday, 19 December, 2000     Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 10 months.   .   The Dakar Declaration for the Total and Unconditional Cancellation of African and Third World Debt Dakar 2000: From Resistance to Alternatives Dakar, Senegal | 11-17 December 2000   We, participants at the "Dakar 2000 meeting for the cancellation of Third World debt", representing African people's civil societies, supported by civil societies from Latin America, Asia, Europe and North America, from the analysis of the debt issue, of structural adjustment plans (SAPs) and development. Realize that: Third World debt to the North is at once fraudulent, odious, illegal, immoral, illegitimate, obscene and genocidal;   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 10 months.   .   The Dakar Manifesto Africa: From Resistance to Alternatives Dakar 2000: From Resistance to Alternatives Dakar, Senegal, 11-17 December 2000  The Dakar 2000 conference brought together leaders of NGOs and social movements from all over Africa to analyze the debt crisis and the impacts of IMF/World Bank Structural Adjustment Programmes on African populations. Conference participants also considered strategies for resistance to the neoliberal model and highlighted alternative approaches.   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 11 months.   Corporate accountability, Environmental, Transparency and disclosure.   MEDIA RELEASE The Export Development Corporation support for dams criticized in new report by World Commission Report on Dams   Coalition demands EDC place a moratorium on dam-building   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 2 weeks.   EDC reform, Environmental, Human rights, Transparency and disclosure.   MEDIA  RELEASE Canadian churches launch national campaign to reform the Export Development Corporation (Oct. 4, 2000 – OTTAWA)  Members of the Canadian Ecumenical Jubilee Initiative (CEJI) concerned about the negative impact that EDC-supported projects have had on people and the environment, launched a campaign today to reform the Export Development Act, the statute governing the Export Development Corporation (EDC).    Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 3 weeks.   .   In October 2000, the Halifax Initiative organized a three day event on the eve of the G-20 Finance Ministers meeting in Montreal to discuss alternative proposals for the global financial system. The first day comprised of a film festival and Teach-In. An NGO strategy session was held for two days to explore ways the global financial system could contribute to the eradication of poverty and environment sustainability. Final Report from the Strategy Session (PDF file) Press release Film Festival Line-Up Poster     Read more ...
