
Il y a 24 years 6 months.   ECA Reform, EDC reform, EDC regulation, Environment.   Click here for full report in pdf   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 6 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.   Canada is being less than charitable: Debt-cancellation policy means less than it might seem. ( PDF file )   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 7 months.   Domestic legislation, ECA Reform, EDC reform, EDC regulation, Environment.   Prepared by the NGO Working Group on the Export Development Corporation, a project of the Halifax Initiative The Canadian Export Development Corporation (EDC) is the main source of publicly supported export financing in Canada, designed to complement the private financial sector wherever possible. A federal Crown corporation, EDC provides Canadian exporters with financing products to help their customers, and with commercial and political risk insurance, particularly for higher-risk and emerging markets. In 1998, EDC worked with 4,183 customers in 200 countries, helping Canadian companies to generate nearly $35 billion in sales and foreign investments.   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 8 months.   EDC reform, Environmental, Human rights.   This submission analyses the report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade (SCFAIT) entitled "Exporting in the Canadian Interest: Reviewing the Export Development Act". Our recommendations are primarily concerned with Chapter 9 of the Report on the Review of the Export Development Act (hereinafter the Gowlings report).   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 10 months.   Corporate accountability, Environmental, Human rights.     Agency under fire over dam PAUL KNOX The Globe and Mail, November 16, 1999 The photos look idyllic -- a broad river, forested shorelines, thatch-roofed houses here and there along the bank. Kimy Pernia Domico, an Embera- Katio Indian from northwestern Colombia, lived in one of the houses. He used to fish, until the fish stopped running. He still plants corn, rice, plantains and manioc.   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 10 months.   Human rights.   Tuesday, November 16, 1999   Canadian NGOs Launch Campaign to Make EDC Responsible to People and the Environment   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 10 months.   Corporate accountability, Government accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions, Human rights, Transparency and disclosure.   In 1999, Amnesty International raised alarms about the killing of four indigenous people protesting a hydroelectric dam in Colombia that has devastated their food sour   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 10 months.   Corporate accountability, EDC reform, EDC regulation, Environment, Government accountability.   Click here for pdf   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 10 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.   I am the Coordinator of the Halifax Initiative.   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 10 months.   .   In 1999, Amnesty International raised alarms about the killing of four indigenous people protesting a hydroelectric dam in Colombia that has devastated their food source and, if completed, would flood most of their land. In 1998, an accident at a mine in Kyrgystan resulted in two tons of cyanide entering a river. A lack of an emergency response plan worsened the disaster, leaving two people dead and over 600 hospitalized.   Read more ...
