
Il y a 24 years 5 months.   IFI reform.   Ottawa Citizen, April 22 2000, A15   A day after the protests in Washington D.C., a senior Canadian official at the International Monetary Fund told me and the groups of activists that I was with, that he was not quite sure why we had protested. He felt the demonstrations lacked a coherent message and therefore, the institutions, both the IMF and the World Bank, did not know what to make of the mobilization.     Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 5 months.   Environmental, Government of Canada policies and positions.     Agency accused of ignoring environment: PUBLICATION The Edmonton Journal DATE Tue 04 Apr 2000 EDITION FINAL SECTION/CATEGORY Canada PAGE NUMBER A6 BYLINE Dennis Bueckert STORY LENGTH 321   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 5 months.   Corporate accountability, Environmental.     EDC projects damaged environment: report: NGO group attacks lending body's environmental review standards PUBLICATION The Ottawa Citizen DATE Tue 04 Apr 2000 EDITION FINAL SECTION/CATEGORY News PAGE NUMBER A5 BYLINE Jack Aubry STORY LENGTH 632   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 5 months.   .   IMF merciless in the face of disaster - Catholic Newtimes ( PDF file )   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 5 months.   .   CANADA'S EXPOSURE TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES - March 31, 2000           Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 6 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.   Revised March 2000 Answers What is the G20?  The G-20 was set up to 'smooth out the bumps' of financial globalization. It was established in the wake of the financial crises that gripped the global economy and devastated much of Asia, Russia and Latin America in the late 1990's. The G-20's mandate is 'To promote discussion, and study and review policy issues among industrialized countries and emerging markets with a view to promoting international financial stability.' [ Back to top ] Who sits at the G20 table?   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 6 months.   .   One Year Later- Where's the Leadership? Groups Urge Minister Martin to "Walk the Talk" on Parliamentary Motion on the Tobin Tax     March 23, 2000 - Today non-governmental organizations join Parliamentarians in calling for Finance Minister Martin to "walk the talk" on a motion to tax financial speculators.     Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 6 months.   Environmental, Transparency and disclosure.   PUBLICATION The Ottawa Citizen DATE Sun 19 Mar 2000 EDITION FINAL SECTION/CATEGORY News PAGE NUMBER A1 / Front BYLINE Paul McKay STORY LENGTH 1308   HEADLINE: `This is a race to the bottom': Crown agency spends billions secretly backing environmentally destructive projects others won't touch Export Development Corp. `will do anything,' critic says; EDC VP insists agency `routinely' turns down projects that are environmentally `risky'   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 6 months.   Environmental.   PUBLICATION The Ottawa Citizen DATE Sun 19 Mar 2000 EDITION FINAL SECTION/CATEGORY News PAGE NUMBER A5 BYLINE Jack Aubry STORY LENGTH 1728     Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 6 months.   Transparency and disclosure.   PUBLICATION The Ottawa Citizen DATE Sat 18 Mar 2000 EDITION FINAL SECTION/CATEGORY News PAGE NUMBER A1 / Front BYLINE Paul McKay STORY LENGTH 1250   Read more ...
