
Il y a 23 years 4 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions, IFI policies and positions.   In Canada, CASA is being undertaken by a Steering Committee of non-governmental organizations from a number of sectors, including labour, development and anti-poverty organizations.   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 5 months.   Environmental.   EXPORT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION TRADE FINANCING 130,000 Canadians sign letters addressed to Minister Pettigrew calling for tighter regulation of the Export Development Corporation For immediate release (Ottawa, April 3, 2001) – Representatives of indigenous peoples in Chile and Colombia are in Ottawa to speak about the devastating impacts of Export Development Corporation (EDC) trade-financing.     Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 6 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.   Click here for pdf   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 6 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.   Regulate or devastate? That is the question March 22, 2001 - Today non-governmental organizations call on Finance Minister Martin to act immediately to control financial market behavior. “With stock markets crashing around us, the need to control the rollercoaster of international finance has never been more urgent”, said Gord Walker of Halifax Initiative member organization RESULTS Canada, "Parliamentarians voted overwhelmingly to do so two years ago, but the federal government has dropped the ball."   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 6 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.   WORLD PARLIAMENTARIANS CALL FOR A TOBIN TAX International Legislators and Parliamentarians Call for Tobin-Style Taxes - Launched April 2000. As of March 5, 2001 537 Parliamentarians from 25 countries have signed the declaration.   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 6 months.   .   -----  ACTION ALERT  MARCH 2001-----   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 6 months.   Domestic legislation, ECA Reform, EDC reform, EDC regulation, Environment.   Click here for pdf Submitted as part of EDC's consultations on the environment, this report makes a case for placing EDC under the provisions of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. Abstract   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 7 months.   Environment, Human.   NGO Coalition accuses Government of having a double standard on trade, human rights and environment   Monday, February 20, 2001   Read more ...
Il y a 23 years 7 months.   .   February 8, 2001 Hon. Paul Martin, P.C., M.P. Minister of Finance House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6 Dear Minister Martin: On behalf of the Canadian Ecumenical Jubilee Initiative and the Halifax Initiative Coalition, we wish to congratulate you on your decision to place a moratorium on the debt servicing re-quirements of eleven of the world's most heavily indebted poor countries. We believe that this measure, in the spirit of Jubilee, is a welcome contribution to ending the Third World debt crisis. Over the past two years Canada's leadership has played no small part in similar initia-tives by the UK, the US and France. Your initiative indicates to us a willingness to hear the concerns and arguments that we have expressed to you in person and through the petitions and letters of hundreds of thousands of Canadians who believe that it is time to give the poorest countries a new beginning.   Read more ...
