
Il y a 24 years 2 months.   .   Groups call on Canada to pull the plug on the Akkuyu Nuclear Reactor as Turkey a   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 2 months.   Transparency and disclosure.     Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 2 months.   .   Terrie O’Leary Executive Director for Canada World Bank 1818 H Street Washington D.C. 12 July, 2000 Dear Ms. O’Leary, I am writing to express our pleasure that the Board of Directors of the World Bank has cancelled its support for the Qinghai component of the Western China Poverty Reduction Project. This cancellation sends a much needed signal, following the approval of the Chad-Cameroon Oil and Pipeline project, that the Board will work to ensure that the World Bank accountability mechanisms are used to screen out projects that cannot meet even its own participatory, sustainable development standards.   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 2 months.   Transparency and disclosure.   Click here for pdf   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 2 months.   Human rights.   WORLD BANK REPUTATION ON THE LINE OVER TIBET PROJECT Activists look to Canada for leadership to uphold Bank policies and protect Tibetans   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 2 months.   IFI policies and positions.   The Köln Debt Initiative: An Initial Response In many ways, it can be seen as the end of the beginning, rather than the beginning of the end.-Roy Culpeper, President the North-South Institute The Köln Initiative, measured by its rhetoric, is two steps forward, one step backwards. In reality we may not have moved much at all.- Derek MacCuish, Programme Coordinator, Social Justice Committee of Montréal The Halifax Initiative, a broad-based coalition of Canadian non-governmental organizations, welcomed the desire to improve the HIPC Initiative by the G7 governments expressed in the Köln Debt Initiative. Unfortunately, this welcome is qualified by the concern that two major issues remain unresolved, so that the effort to lift the debt burden of the poorest countries remains insufficient. The welcome is also qualified due to a wariness of the gap between what the G7 may wish and what the IFIs may do.   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 2 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.   Proposals for Bailing In the Private Sector: A briefing note     Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 2 months.   .   Hassan Bougrine Department of Economics Laurentian University Sudbury, Ontario Canada P3E 2G9   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 3 months.   ECA Reform, Environmental, Human rights, Transparency and disclosure.   MEDIA RELEASE Hundreds of environment, human rights and development groups call for immediate reform of export credit agencies   Read more ...
Il y a 24 years 3 months.   Transparency and disclosure.   Secrecy surrounds EDC’s Plans to Decrease Secrecy Coalition calls EDC Consultations Fatally Flawed   June 15, 2000     Read more ...
