
Il y a 25 years 2 months.   IFI policies and positions.   Francois Page Advisor to the Executive Director for Canada World Bank 1818 H street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433 Fax: 1-202-477-4155 16 July, 1999 Dear Mr. Page;, Please thank Ms. O"Leary for forwarding to us the Draft Final Report on the Fuel for Thought: Environmental Strategy for the Energy Sector and the Proposal to Establish a Prototype Carbon Fund. We appreciate their provision in order to enable us to provide more relevant input to the Board discussion on July 20th. As you know, the Bank did not share your commitment to transparency. The Bank decision not to release the Strategy publicly is, as you can imagine, a great disappointment to all of us who have been engaged in consultations on this Strategy over the past year. We would appreciate if Canada can express its concern that the Strategy was not publicly released prior to the Board meeting.   Read more ...
Il y a 25 years 2 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions, IFI policies and positions.   Excerpts from a letter sent to the IMF & WB (July 1999) Excerpts from a letter sent to: Tom Bernes, Executive Director for Canada, International Monetary Fund Terrie O'Leary, Executive Director for Canada, World Bank 13 July, 1999 Dear Ms. O’Leary and Mr. Bernes, I am writing, belatedly, on behalf of the Halifax Initiative, and the NGOs who joined us, to thank you both for meeting with us while we were in Washington for the Spring meetings. The meeting on April 26th, as well as the related meeting with Minister Martin on the 28th, was useful in learning more about the unfolding debt and financial architecture discussions as well as current Canadian positions in these areas. We also appreciated the opportunity to question you about the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (ESAF) process and to briefly discuss the Structural Adjustment Participatory Review Initiative (SAPRI).   Read more ...
Il y a 25 years 2 months.   .   The Köln Debt Initiative: An Initial Response   In many ways, it can be seen as the end of the beginning, rather than the beginning of the end. -Roy Culpeper, President the North-South Institute   The Köln Initiative, measured by its rhetoric, is two steps forward, one step backwards. In reality we may not have moved much at all.   Read more ...
Il y a 25 years 3 months.   IFI policies and positions.   "Two steps forward, one step back"   Presentation by Derek MacCuish, program coordinator, Social Justice Committee, Montreal, and policy analyst, Halifax Initiative Coalition   Forum: Debt after the Cologne Initiative, hosted by the North-South Institute, Ottawa 23 June 1999     Read more ...
Il y a 25 years 3 months.   .   June 11, 1999 To the leaders of the Group of Seven nations, At next week's Summit in Cologne, you will be discussing new directions for public policy governing global markets in order to help prevent or mitigate future financial crises. Measures currently under discussion, including strengthened financial sector supervision, surveillance and transparency, while commendable if adopted, are insufficient to prevent future crises. Similar measures endorsed at your Summit in Halifax in1995 in the wake of the Mexican peso crisis, although not fully adopted, were unable to prevent or even anticipate the South East Asian crash of 1997. Clearly, bolder measures are required.   Read more ...
Il y a 25 years 3 months.   IFI policies and positions.     MEDIA RELEASE "Civil Society Takes Initiative on Reform of Global Financial Architecture"   For immediate release June 7, 1999     Read more ...
Il y a 25 years 3 months.   .   Halifax Initiative coalition submission to the 1999 Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) Debt Initiative Review and Consultation   Read more ...
Il y a 25 years 4 months.   Tax Justice.   The Tobin-Type Tax - Debunking the Myths (This article in Spanish is on this link) Currency transactions taxes such as the Tobin-type tax 1 are often dismissed by critics before all the arguments have been heard. They view the tax as too difficult to adopt and too easy to avoid. Much criticism is ill-informed or designed to stifle debate. Here are the most common myths and our response to them: A TOBIN-TYPE TAX WILL HIT THE POOR The tax is a progressive one, designed to target only those profiting from destabilising currency speculation. The poor don't flip millions of dollars a day on currency and bond markets, the world's biggest banks and investment firms do. This tax will hit them.   Read more ...
Il y a 25 years 4 months.   .   The world of international finance has become a global gambling casino, where investors seeking quick profits bet huge sums around the clock.   Read more ...
Il y a 25 years 4 months.   .     Backgrounder (1999)   An international consortium consisting of Exxon, Shell and Elf, a French company, is sponsoring the project. The project includes the drilling of 300 wells in the Doba oilfields of southern Chad, the construction of a 1050 km long, 30 m wide buried pipeline through to an offshore marine export terminal facility 15 km off the coast of Cameroon.   Read more ...
