
Il y a 22 years 4 months.   .   Paul Martin on the International Bankrupty Court and Response by Halifax Initiative (PDF file) [ The Globe and Mail ]   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 4 months.   .   Hon. Paul Martin, Minister of Finance House of Commons Centre Block, 309-S Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 April 30, 2002 Dear Mr. Martin, On behalf of the Halifax Initiative, I write seeking clarification as to whether and why the Government of Canada no longer supports the Tobin tax. When questioned by Lorne Nystrom in the House, John McCallum, Secretary of State for Financial Institutions said that he "would commend the government for ceasing to support a Tobin tax because I think it is a pretty bad tax." (House of Commons Hansard, 21 March 2002).   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 5 months.   Environmental, Government of Canada policies and positions.   MEDIA RELEASE Export Development Canada -backed mine leaves a sea of cyanide Groups call on G8 Environment Ministers to Improve Environmental Standards of Export Credit Agencies For immediate release   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 5 months.   .   Monday April 8, 2002 The Honourable David Anderson Minister of the Environment 10 Wellington Street Hull, Québec   K1A 0H3 Environment Canada Fax:  819-953-3457 Dear Minister Anderson: On behalf of the Export Credit Agency Watch (ECA Watch) campaign, an international coalition of non-governmental organizations from 35 different countries, I would like to respectfully request your consideration in incorporating the following language on export credit agencies in the Banff Ministerial Statement on the World Summit on Sustainable Development.  The Statement has come to our attention in the form of Revision 2, written April 3, 2002.   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 5 months.   .   Accra Declaration (Adopted at end of Joint CODESRIA- TWN-AFRICA Conference on Africa's Development Challenges in the Millennium, Accra 23-26 April, 2002)   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 5 months.   Corporate accountability, Environmental, Transparency and disclosure.   MEDIA RELEASE Canada behind leaders in Export Credit Agency reform EDC continues to operate in secret For immediate release. Ottawa, March 31, 2002. Export Development Canada (EDC), Canada's export credit agency, released environmental and disclosure practices yesterday that fall far behind the leaders in export credit agency reform.   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 5 months.   Domestic legislation.   US scuttles Tobin tax - and hope for the world's poor American omnipotence wilts when faced with projects that could actually do some good Dateline: Friday, March 29, 2002 By Linda McQuaig   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 6 months.   .   March 20, 2002 Ms. Melanie Quevillon NGO Working Group on the EDC Halifax Initiative/Canada Suite 104 - 153 Chapel Street Ottawa, ON K1N 1H5   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 6 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.   All circus, no substance. Canada's performance in Monterrey to set stage for Kananaskis.   March 14, 2002 – Next Monday, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, will attend the UN Conference on Financing for Development (FfD) in Monterrey, Mexico. Today Canadian non-governmental organizations release a letter to the Prime Minister strongly critical of Canada’s role in the FfD process and concerned about implications for the G8 in Kananaskis.   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 6 months.   Government accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions, Human rights.   The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien The following letter was sent to the Prime Minister with copies to the Finance Minister and the Foreign Affairs Minister on March 14, 2002. It was signed by leaders representing over 100 Canadian development, social justice, labour and faith organizations. The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien Prime Minister of Canada House of Commons Centre Block, 309-S Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 March 14, 2002 Dear Prime Minister, We are writing to you, as representatives of Canadian non-governmental organizations, to express our dismay at the proposed outcomes of the UN Financing for Development process and Canada’s role in the negotiations leading to it. We call urgently for renewed leadership on the road to Kananaskis.   Read more ...
