
Il y a 22 years 3 months.   IFI accountability, IFI governance, IFI policies and positions.   Open letter to the G7 finance ministers When the G7 heads of government met in Halifax in June 1995, leaders made a commitment to a series of measures to reform the Bretton Woods Institutions. The G7 called for the provision of multi-lateral debt relief for the poorest countries, the promotion of environmentally sustainable development and the reduction of poverty. Seven years later, these promises are unfulfilled. The crisis of legitimacy confronting the World Bank and the IMF at the 50th anniversary of their creation led to the G7 to take up the reform of the international financial institutions (IFIs) in Halifax. As the G7 finance ministers return to Halifax, this question of legitimacy continues to haunt the institutions.   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 3 months.   Human rights, IFI policies and positions.   KANANASKIS G7 SUMMIT ISSUE BRIEFS (June 2002): Extractive Industries and the Role of the World Bank One of the most controversial areas of World Bank involvement is the financing of oil, gas and mining projects in developing nations. This brief describes World Bank involvement in these extractive industries, specifically the devastating effects of these projects on local people and the environment and the solutions put forward by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to correct these problems.   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 3 months.   .   Export credit agencies (ECAs) are public agencies that provide government backed loans and insurance to corporations.   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 3 months.   IFI governance, IFI policies and positions.   The G7 drives the engine of neo-liberal globalization and controls the most powerful institutions of global finance and trade. It is impossible to speak of the impact of the G7 without discussing the impact of the Bretton Woods financial institutions: the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 3 months.   .   KANANASKIS G7 SUMMIT ISSUE BRIEFS (June 2002): What’s Shutout of the G7? – The Tobin tax and Mountains of Money for Development   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 3 months.   IFI policies and positions.   A growing chorus of critics from around the world have increasingly questioned the efficacy of World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF)-promoted economic policy reforms. As a result, the two institutions renewed vows to fight poverty at their annual meetings in Prague 2000. Uganda is viewed as pivotal to the success of much-publicized efforts to reform the institutions and their policies. Over 41 countries are in the pipeline for the adoption of similar policies, but is Uganda a success?   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 3 months.   IFI policies and positions.   Wealthy countries and the World Bank are forcing the privatization of public services and natural resources in Africa and elsewhere as a condition for development assistance. Impoverished countries are required to turn their public services and natural resources over to private owners. If they want the aid money, they have to sell off their oil, gas, mining, electricity, telecommunications, transportation and water companies. Investors say privitization brings efficiency; opponents say it hurts the poor.   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 3 months.   Human rights, IFI policies and positions.   An information kit containing 11 factsheets discussing different issues related to the G8, including what is the G8 and he New Partnership for Africa's Development. Who we are [ 555 Kb ] Key Messages on NEPAD from Africa Canada Forum [ 1.9 Mb ] New Strategies, Old Loan Conditions: The Case of Uganda [ 1.4 Mb ] G7 Response to Financial Crises - Another Band-Aid [ 1.4 Mb ] What's shutout of the G7? - The Tobin tax and Mountains of Money for Development [ 2.6 Mb ]   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 3 months.   .   Talking G8: The Travelling Road Show At the invitation of the Parkland Institute and the Alberta Council for Global Cooperation, the Halifax Initiative participated in education events in 10 cities in Alberta to discuss the upcoming G8 meeting in Kananaskis, in June 2002. Pamphlet [ PDF file ] (1.5 Mb)   Read more ...
Il y a 22 years 3 months.   .   Activist criticizes funding for Third World projects (PDF file)   Read more ...
