
Il y a 15 years 3 months.   .   The Speculation Game   Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 3 months.   .   Photo Credits Wherever possible, the Halifax Initiative acknowledges all photos that appear in our publications and on this web site, and secures permission to use photos that are not the property of the coalition. Such photo credits will normally appear below the photo or on the inside cover of the publication. In the case of the photos that appear in the banner of this home page, they are from left to right:   Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 3 months.   .   Multilateral Debt : A Growing Crisis   What is multilateral debt?     Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 3 months.   .   Between 1981 and 1997 the less developed countries paid over US$2.9 trillion in interest and principal payments. This is about US$1.5 trillion more or double what they received in new loans. (1) � In 1998, the Highly Indebted and Poor Countries average debt load was 165.6% of their gross national product. (2) �   Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 3 months.   Transparency and disclosure.   We need your help to make Export Development Canada (EDC) more transparent!! CALL TO ACTION EDC continues to withhold key environmental information about the projects it supports, citing reasons of commercial confidentiality. When it does disclose information prior to supporting a project, this can be from one day to two weeks prior to signing the cheque.   Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 3 months.   .   PRIVATE MEMBERS' BUSINESS TAX ON FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS      The House resumed from February 3 consideration of the motion and the amendment.   Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 3 months.   IFI policies and positions.   Some Examples of Weakening of the World Banks Safeguard Policiesa   Existing/old policy Safeguards (paragraphs) New/Draft   Policy Negative changes (paragraphs) Environmental Assessment OD4.01 [October 1991]     Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 3 months.   .   "Sacred Land, Scarred Land" - a video, backgrounder, and action sheet about 4 projects involving Canadian companies and the impacts on communities, with a particular focus on the violation of land rights.  Two of the projects highlighted received support from Export Development Canada. Video available for $10.  (Video - 2000)   Read more ...
