
Il y a 15 years 3 months.   .     Backgrounder: Profile of Negative Impacts of EDC-Supported Dams The following dams have ongoing, lasting impacts on the communities and environment:   Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 3 months.   .   In 1999, Amnesty International raised alarms about the killing of four indigenous people protesting a hydroelectric dam in Colombia that has devastated their food source and, if completed, would flood most of their land. In 1998, an accident at a mine in Kyrgystan resulted in two tons of cyanide entering a river. A lack of an emergency response plan worsened the disaster, leaving two people dead and over 600 hospitalized.   Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 4 months.   Corporate accountability, Domestic legislation, IFI reform.   A Call to Action   A Citizen's Agenda for Reform of the Global Economic System   I. INTRODUCTION: Open the Debate     Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 4 months.   .   Sign up now, to receive our Monthly Issue Updates and our latest Press Releases and Briefs on a variety of issues related to the international financial system and its institutions. Please fill out the form below.   Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 4 months.   .   Below is a reverse chronological list of all the official correspondence sent by the Halifax Initiative Coalition to various national and international financials institutions, like Export Development Canada and the World Bank, or to various Canadian government officials related to a range of different issues. You can also browse this correspondence by issue using the search function.   Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 4 months.   .     Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 4 months.   .     Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 4 months.   .   The policies of international financial institutions (IFIs) have forced governments to cut expenditures on key essential public services, such as health care, education, public transit, water, sanitation and access to fuel and electricity, to cut subsidies and introduce user fees. Macroeconomic fiscal and monetary policies have also had unnecessarily restrictive deficit-reduction and inflation-reduction targets. Such measures have disproportionately disadvantaged the poor and vulnerable groups in developing countries and have undermined the ability of country governments to meet their own human rights obligations.   Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 4 months.   .     Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 4 months.   .   The Halifax Initiative is a Canadian coalition of development, environment, faith, human rights and labour groups. Membership of the Halifax Initiative is as follows:       Read more ...
