
Il y a 15 years 4 months.   .   The Halifax Initiative, a project of Tides Canada Initiatives, was founded in 1994 by Canadian civil society organizations seeking to make international financial institutions and their policies more democratic, transparent and accountable.   Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 4 months.   .   Cette analyse de la politique de durabilité, des critères de performance et de la politique de divulgation de l’information de la Société financière internationale (SFI) a été réalisée à la demande   Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 4 months.   .   La réponse du G-20 à la crise financière : l’argent, l’argent Tous les yeux étaient tournés vers le Groupe des 20 (G-20) qui se rencontrait ce mois-ci à Londres et annonçait une colossale injection de 1,1 billion (ou millier de milliards) de dollars pour stimuler l’économie mondiale. Ce chiffre impressionnant et divers engagements concernant les paradis fiscaux, la réglementation et le renforcement de la capacité de prêt du FMI (voir « Les faits ») ont accaparé les grands titres et provoqué une réponse positive immédiate des marchés boursiers.   Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 4 months.   Corporate accountability, Domestic legislation, Government accountability, Human rights, IFI governance, IFI policies and positions.   G-20 response to financial crisis - money, money, money All eyes were on the Group of 20 (G-20) this month as they met in London and announced a whopping $1.1 trillion to stimulate the global economy. The impressive figure and various commitments on tax havens, regulation, and boosting the IMF’s lending capacity (See “Just the Facts”) grabbed the headlines and saw stock markets respond positively the next day.   Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 4 months.   IFI accountability, IFI policies and positions.   Introduction When US financial powerhouse Lehman Brothers collapsed last fall, the world saw the start of an unprecedented collapse in global stock markets, bringing with it the loss of billions of dollars of investment around the world and severely shaking the foundations of the international banking system. Gloomy economic forecasts, a loss of investor confidence, and mass capital flight have all contributed to the worsening of the current global financial crisis. A decade ago, a similar situation unfolded in East Asia when market speculation sparked investors to pull out billions of dollars of capital, inflating debt and destabilizing markets in the region. In response, the Chiang Mai Initiative emerged in an effort to protect Asian markets from future crises. But has it stood up to today’s global economic collapse? And is an Asian Monetary Fund on the horizon? This brief explores these, and other, issues.   Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 5 months.   Corporate accountability, Domestic legislation, Government of Canada policies and positions, IFI accountability, IFI governance, IFI policies and positions, Transparency and disclosure.   Government response on CSR and extractives: Fool’s Gold For two years, parliamentarians, civil society, industry and the Canadian public have waited for the Government of Canada to issue a response to the ground-breaking consensus report from the National Roundtables on Extractive Industries (see IU March 2007). Against great odds, that process produced a consensus document, endorsed by industry and civil society, on a program of policy reform regarding the overseas operations of Canadian extractive companies that would make Canada a leader on the world stage.    Read more ...
Il y a 15 years 5 months.   .   La réponse gouvernementale au rapport sur la RSE et les sociétés extractives : De l’or des fous! Depuis deux ans, les parlementaires, la société civile, l’industrie et la population canadienne attendaient la réponse du gouvernement canadien au rapport unanime issu des Tables rondes nationales sur l’industrie extractive (voir Mise à jour, mars 2007). Malgré les difficultés d’une telle démarche, celle-ci avait produit un document consensuel, endossé à la fois par l’industrie et la société civile. Ce rapport préconisait un ensemble de réformes politiques relatives aux activités des sociétés extractives canadiennes à l’étranger, qui auraient fait du Canada un chef de file à l’échelle mondiale.   Read more ...
