FAQs - Canada, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund
FAQs - ECAs and EDC
Export credit agencies | Export Development Canada |
Multilateral Debt : A Growing Crisis
Multilateral Debt : A Growing Crisis
What is multilateral debt?
Overview of the World Bank Forest Policy
FAQs - Group of Eight (G8)
FAQs - Leading Group on Solidarity Levies for Development
The Halifax Initiative would like to thank John Foster, North-South Institute, for his help in developing these FAQs
Revised November 2007
FAQs - Financing for Development
The Halifax Initiative would like to thank John Foster, North-South Institute, for his help in developing these FAQs
Revised November 2007
FAQs - Group of Twenty (G20)
What is the G20?
The G-20 was set up to 'smooth out the bumps' of financial globalization. It was established in the wake of the financial crises that gripped the global economy and devastated much of Asia, Russia and Latin America in the late 1990's. The G-20's mandate is 'To promote discussion, and study and review policy issues among industrialized countries and emerging markets with a view to promoting international financial stability.'
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Who sits at the G20 table?
FAQs - Tobin Tax