
Il y a 14 years 3 months.   Corporate accountability, globalization, Government of Canada policies and positions, Millennium Development Goals, Sustainability. Financial transaction tax is no bank tax By Fraser Reilly-King Published June 9, 2010     Big banks can finally breathe a sigh of relief. This past weekend, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty managed to rally China, Brazil and South Korea behind him at G20 meetings in Busan, South Korea, and put those pesky discussions about a global bank tax to rest. Instead of discussing a bank tax at this month's summit, the G20 agreed to "develop principles reflecting the need to protect taxpayers, reduce risks from the financial system, protect the flow of credit in good times and bad, taking into account individual country's circumstances and options."   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 4 months.   globalization, Government of Canada policies and positions.   Robin Hood Tax: Canada misses a chance for Leadership OTTAWA – The Canadian Government is missing an historic opportunity to offer constructive global leadership by refusing to consider any kind of levy on the global financial sector. “There are two proposals on the table here,” said Fraser Reilly-King of the Halifax Initiative. “One would save the banks, the other would save the world. At a time when global poverty is rising, along with sea levels, and European economies are crashing, the Harper government is actively campaigning against both.” A Bank Tax would apply broadly and ensure future bailout funds would come from banks themselves, not the public. Canada’s counterproposal involves “embedded contingent capital,” which would shift the burden to shareholders, turning [contingent] bonds to equity if the banks run into trouble.   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 4 months.   .   Taxe robin des bois : Le Canada rate occasion d'exercer leadership OTTAWA – Le gouvernement canadien rate une occasion historique d’exercer un leadership constructif sur la scène mondiale en refusant l’imposition de toute taxe au secteur financier mondial.    « Il y a deux propositions sur la table ici, déclare Fraser Reilly-King de l’Initiative d’Halifax. L’une permettrait de sauver les banques, l’autre, de sauver le monde. Alors que la pauvreté mondiale s’accroît, que le niveau des océans s’élève et que les économies européennes périclitent, le gouvernement Harper s’oppose vivement à ces deux propositions. »     Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 4 months.   Corporate accountability, EDC regulation, Environment, Human rights.   Fred P. Hochberg President Export-Import Bank of the United States Washington, D.C. [Via e-mail] May 10, 2010 Re: Pascua Lama Dear President Hochberg, It has come to our attention that the Ex-Im Bank has received a request to finance the binational Pascua Lama mine. We are writing to strongly urge that the Ex-Im Bank reject financing for the Pascua Lama mine.   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 4 months.   .   Le FMI et l’UE : un plan de sauvetage pour la Grèce La crise de l’endettement de la Grèce en est finalement arrivée à un point critique et les prêts du FMI devraient servir à combler le déficit du pays et permettre à Athènes de trouver une solution au lourd fardeau de sa dette. L’Union Européenne et le FMI négocient les termes du sauvetage par crainte que la crise grecque ne s’étende rapidement aux autres pays européens, voire au-delà de l’Europe. Les autres pays qui ont des dettes importantes, comme les États-Unis, s’inquiètent que la crise de la Grèce ne soit un signe avant-coureur ne présageant rien de bon et qu’elle finisse par se rapprocher d’eux.   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 4 months.   Environment, Environmental.   2010 G8/G20 Canadian Civil Society Coordinating Committee Parliamentary Roundtables on the G8/G20 Agendas   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 4 months.   Environment, Environmental, Government of Canada policies and positions.   2010 G8/G20 Canadian Civil Society Coordinating Committee Parliamentary Roundtables on the G8/G20 Agendas   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 4 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions, IFI policies and positions, Millennium Development Goals.   Innovative mechanisms for financing development, and in particular the Financial Transactions Tax by Fraser Reilly-King, Coordinator, Halifax Initiative Coalition May 6, 2010 My name is Fraser Reilly-King and I am the Coordinator of the Halifax Initiative, a coalition of eighteen development, environment, faith-based, human rights and labour organizations. We focus on international finance issues, in particular with respect to the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and export credit agencies.   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 4 months.   globalization, Government accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions, IFI, IFI accountability, IFI governance, IFI policies and positions, IFI reform, Tax Justice.   2010 G8/G20 Canadian Civil Society Coordinating Committee Parliamentary Roundtables on the G8/G20 Agendas   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 4 months.   Corporate accountability, Environment, globalization, Government accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions, IFI policies and positions, Millennium Development Goals, Tax Justice.   Financial Transaction Tax A tiny fee on the trade in financial transactions paid by banks, not by people it would raise billions of dollars for fighting poverty and climate change at home and around the world.   Read more ...
