
Il y a 14 years 6 months.   .   Ordre du jour des Tables rondes des parlementaires sur les rencontres du G8 et du G20 2010 représente une année importante et unique pour les parlementaires qui veulent entretenir des rapports suivis avec les Canadiens sur les problèmes mondiaux les plus importants auxquels sont confrontés notre planète et notre avenir. Le 25 juin 2010, le Canada sera l'hôte du Sommet des dirigeants des pays du Groupe des Huit à Muskoka, qui sera suivi par une rencontre des dirigeants des pays du Groupe des Vingt les 26 et 27 juin à Toronto. À ce jour, rares ont été les discussions préparatoires entre parlementaires sur les thèmes qui vont faire l’objet des Sommets de 2010. La société civile canadienne cherche donc à réunir les membres de tous les partis pour discuter des questions mises en évidence dans sa plate-forme intitulée Un Programme pour le développement mondial : Plateforme de la Coalition de la Société civile des G8/G20, et adoptée par plus de 60 organismes à l’échelle nationale. Cette plate-forme expose les recommandations spécifiques, réalistes et mesurables permettant de placer l’élimination de la pauvreté, la relance économique pour tous et la justice environnementale au cœur des priorités internationales. Afin d’encourager la discussion, la société civile canadienne organise trois tables rondes parlementaires pour que les partis échangent leurs points de vue sur les Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement, la crise financière et les changements climatiques. Les tables rondes se dérouleront alors que les ministres des Finances des pays membres du G20 se rencontreront à Washington, les ministres du Développement des pays membres du G8 se réuniront à Halifax et que le Canada sera l’hôte du Forum pour le partenariat avec l’Afrique à Toronto. Table ronde 1 :  Changements climatiques Date :    Mardi 20 avril 2010 -  9 h 00 - 11 h 00 Salle :    Salle 2-2, Édifice Booth, 165 Sparks Street, Ottawa Table ronde 2 :   Crise financière internationale Date : Lundi 26 avril 2010 - 17 h 00 - 19 h 00 Salle :   Salle 2-2, Édifice Booth,165 Sparks Street, Ottawa Table ronde 3: Objectifs de développement du Millénaire Date : Mardi 27 avril 2010 -  9 h 00 – 11 h 00 Salle : Salle 2-2, Édifice Booth,165 Sparks Street, Ottawa DÉTAILS DES TABLES RONDES Plateforme de la Coalition de la Société civile avant des G8 et G20 Ordre du jour des tables rondes parlementaires Changements climatiques Crise financière internationale Objectifs de développement du Millénaire Biographies des orateurs, des député(e)s et des animateurs Table ronde 1 Table ronde 2 Table ronde 3 Présentations et discours (baladodiffusion audio) Table ronde 1 Segment de Keya Chatterjee Table ronde 2 Segment de Dean Baker Table ronde 3 Segment de Charles Abugre       Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 6 months.   .   Be part of the biggest bank job in history... The Robin Hood Tax (or financial transactions tax, as it is otherwise known) is a tiny tax on bankers that would raise billions to tackle poverty and climate change, at home and abroad. By taking an average of 0.05% from speculative banking transactions, hundreds of billions of dollars could be raised every year, while helping to curb some of the speculative activities of day traders, whose practices exacerbated the current crisis. That’s easily enough to pay for climate change, help countries achieve the Millennium Development Goals, and get our economy back on track. Join the campaign at     Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 6 months.   Environment, Government of Canada policies and positions, IFI policies and positions, Millennium Development Goals, Sustainability.   Parliamentary Roundtables on the G8/G20 Agendas 2010 is an important and unique moment for Parliamentarians to engage with Canadians on some of the most important global issues facing our planet and our future.  On June 25th, 2010, Canada will play host to leaders from the Group of Eight countries in Muskoka, followed by a meeting of G20 leaders in Toronto on June 26-27. To date, there has been little discussion among parliamentarians about the themes leading up to the 2010 summits, and Canadian civil society is looking to engage members from all parties in a discussion around some of the issues highlighted in our civil society platform, An Agenda for Global Development: G8/G20 Civil Society Coalition Platform, endorsed by over 60 organizations across the country.  The platform discusses specific, measurable, realistic recommendations to put poverty eradication, economic recovery for all and environmental justice at the centre of the international agenda. To facilitate the conversation, Canadian civil society is organizing three parliamentary roundtables to discuss party perspectives on climate change, the financial crisis and the millennium development goals (MDGs). The Roundtables will occur as the G20 Finance Ministers meet in Washington, as G8 Development Ministers meet in Halifax and as Canada hosts the Africa Partnership Forum in Toronto. Roundtable 1: Climate change When:     Tuesday, April 20th, 2010 - 9:00 am –11:00 am Where:    Room 2-2, Booth Building, 165 Sparks Street, Ottawa Roundtable 2: Global financial crisis When:     Monday, April 26th, 2010 - 5:00 pm –7:00 pm Where:    Room 2-2, Booth Building, 165 Sparks Street, Ottawa Roundtable 3: Millennium Development Goals When:     Tuesday, April 27th, 2010 - 9:00am –11:00am Where:    Room 2-2, Booth Building, 165 Sparks Street, Ottawa ROUNDTABLE DETAILS Canadian G8 G20 Civil Society Platform Roundtable Agendas Climate change Financial crisis Millennium Development Goals Moderator, MP and Expert Bios  Roundtable 1 Roundtable 2 Roundtable 3 Podcasts Roundtable 1 Keya Chatterjee's segment Roundtable 2 Dean Baker's segment Roundtable 3 Charles Abugre's segment   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 6 months.   Corporate accountability, Domestic legislation, globalization, Millennium Development Goals, Poverty, Sustainability, Tax Justice.   In "Alternatives", April 1, 2010 T-A-X. Such a simple three letter word, and yet it elicits responses from people out of all proportion to its size. Perhaps it isn’t surprising. Taxes are scary. But let’s not forget, as much as you may hate them, without them, we wouldn’t have public health care, education, infrastructure, police and ambulances, government, politicians…(OK, maybe scratch that one). You get the idea. Boring and controversial as they are, taxes are essential.   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 6 months.   Corporate accountability, Domestic legislation, EDC reform, EDC regulation, Government of Canada policies and positions, Human rights, IFI reform, Millennium Development Goals, Tax Justice.   The corporate responsibilty to respect human rights Detractors of Private Member’s Bill C-300 (IU February 2009) draw attention to the bill’s treatment of human rights. The bill establishes guidelines for Canadian extractive companies that operate overseas. These guidelines must be met by companies that receive support from Export Development Canada, the Canadian Pension Plan and Canadian embassies. The guidelines are to include provisions based on Canada's international human rights obligations.   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 6 months.   .   La responsabilité d’entreprise pour le respect des droits de la personne Les opposants au Projet de loi C-300 (voir Mise à jour de février 2009) attirent l’attention sur la façon dont le Projet de loi traite les droits de la personne. Le Projet de loi établit des lignes directrices pour les compagnies d’extraction minière qui opèrent à l’étranger. Ces lignes directrices doivent être respectées par les compagnies qui bénéficient du soutien d’Exportation et développement Canada, de celui du Régime de pensions du Canada et des ambassades canadiennes. Elles incluent des dispositions fondées sur le respect des obligations du Canada en matière de droits de la personne.   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 7 months.   ECA Reform, EDC reform, EDC regulation, Environment.   Brussels, 26 March 2010 Mr. Steve Tvardik Head, Export Credits Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Paris, France Dear Mr. Tvardik, Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on the on-going review of the Sector Understanding on Export Credits for Renewable Energies and Water Projects (Sector Understanding) by the Participants to the Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits (Participants). We have outlined our comments starting with our overall concern about ECA financing of fossil fuels and then following this up with specific inputs to sections of the Sector Understanding. It ends with a short conclusion bringing together the main issues to concentrate on. Overall Issue: The need to end fossil fuel financing   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 7 months.   Corporate accountability, Human rights, IFI, IFI accountability, IFI governance, IFI policies and positions, IFI reform, Transparency and disclosure.   Submission by Civil Society Organizations to the International Finance Corporation Commenting on The Social and Environmental Sustainability Policy, Performance Standards and Disclosure Policy 11 March 2010   Introduction The undersigned civil society organizations have prepared this joint submission to provide an overview of many of our concerns related to IFC’s Policy on Social and Environmental Sustainability, the Performance Standards, related guidance documents, and the Disclosure Policy. We believe these concerns should be explored and addressed further through IFC’s current consultation and review process.   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 7 months.   .   Le Projet de loi du gouvernement sur la responsabilisation retourne devant la Chambre Le 3 mars, la Gouverneure-générale ouvrira la prochaine session parlementaire, mettant ainsi fin à la prorogation de la session parlementaire décidée par le gouvernement Harper en décembre dernier. Tous les travaux en cours à ce moment-là ont été arrêtés, exception faite des projets de loi émanant des députés qui retournent intacts devant la Chambre. Ces projets de loi doivent reprendre au début de l’étape du processus législatif à laquelle ils en étaient avant la clôture du Parlement.   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 7 months.   Corporate accountability, Domestic legislation, ECA Reform, EDC regulation.   Government accountability bill returns to the House On March 3, the Governor General will open a new session of Parliament, ending the recess created when the Harper government prorogued the previous session in December. All legislation that was under consideration at that time was extinguished, with the exception of private members’ bills, which return to the House, unscathed. These bills begin anew at whichever stage of the legislative process they had reached before the plug was pulled on Parliament.   Read more ...
