
Il y a 17 years 4 days.   Corporate accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions, Human rights.   Mining Abroad 'Morally Wrong': MPs ■ Alexa McDonough and British MP Steve Pound try to resurrect the call for Canada to enact social responsibility requirements. By Chris Gillcash NDP MP Alexa McDonough is calling on Canada to enact standards of corporate social responsibility in overseas mining operations following a trip to Honduras last week to investigate concerns that some Canadian companies working in Honduras are taking advantage of weak regulations and endangering local residents through environmental contamination.   Read more ...
Il y a 17 years 4 days.   Government accountability.   Stop 'rogue' Canadian mining operations abroad, MP urges Mike De Souza CanWest News Service Wednesday, September 19, 2007 OTTAWA - The federal government should immediately crack down on the unethical and destructive practices of Canadian mineral extraction companies that profit from weak laws and regulations in developing companies, NDP foreign affairs critic Alexa McDonough said Wednesday.   Read more ...
Il y a 17 years 6 days.   Government accountability, Human rights, IFI policies and positions, Transparency and disclosure.   Rosemarie Boyle Vice-President Corporate Communications and External Relations Export Development Canada 151 O’Connor St. Ottawa, ON K1A 1K3 September 17, 2007 Dear Ms. Boyle:   Read more ...
Il y a 17 years 1 week.   .   For PDF, click here This policy briefing from KAIROS - Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, a member of the Halifax Initiative Coalition, looks at the case of Zambia, and how it represents a prime example of an impoverished country betrayed by the failure of the Group of Eight to deliver promises of more aid and effective debt relief. This report chronicles how G8 promises of debt cancellation have been of little benefit to the poor due to a decline in Official Development Assistance and the International Monetary Fund’s obsession with low inflation and restrictive fiscal policies.   Read more ...
Il y a 17 years 3 weeks.   .   NOUVELLES RÉCENTES concernant LES INSTITUTIONS FINANCIÈRES INTERNATIONALES Selectionnez ici pour pdf   Read more ...
Il y a 17 years 3 weeks.   .   Wolfowitz Swept “Climate Change” Under the Rug at Bank Documents released by the Government Accountability Project (GAP) reveal that Paul Wolfowitz, then World Bank President, personally intervened to remove the emphasis on climate change from a 2006 Bank report requested by the G8. The original report, entitled “Climate Change, Energy and Sustainable Development: Towards an Investment Framework” and endorsed by Bank vice-presidents, was later changed to “Clean Energy and Development: Towards an Investment Framework”.   Read more ...
Il y a 17 years 1 month.   .   NOUVELLES RÉCENTES concernant LES INSTITUTIONS FINANCIÈRES INTERNATIONALES Selectionnez ici pour pdf   Read more ...
Il y a 17 years 1 month.   Corporate accountability, IFI governance.   Selecting a New IMF Director: Another One-Man Race? Following the recent, controversial appointment of World Bank President Robert Zoellick - who was hand-picked by the US, despite calls for a more democratic selection process - all eyes are on the International Monetary Fund as it prepares to select a new Managing Director in September. At this early stage, US and EU support for the candidacy of former French Finance Minister Dominique Strauss-Kahn reveals their intent to preserve a selection process that all but guarantees the appointment of a European to the top post.   Read more ...
Il y a 17 years 1 month.   IFI governance.   SELECTED ISSUES on INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Click here for pdf         Wolfowitz out, Zoellick in; Bank credibility AWOL Speculation around Paul Wolfowitz’s successor as World Bank President quickly faded, as the US nominated Robert Zoellick, former US Deputy Secretary of State under Condoleeza Rice.   Read more ...
Il y a 17 years 2 months.   .   Selectionnez ici pour pdf Action contre l’impunité pour les droits humains (ACIDH)Association Africaine de Défense des Droits de l’Homme/Katanga (ASADHO/Katanga)Global WitnessRights and Accountability in Development (RAID) Les victimes du massacre de Kilwa privées de justice par une cour militaire congolaise Pour publication immédiate : Londres, R-U/Lubumbashi, RDC (17 juillet 2007):   Read more ...
