
Il y a 16 years 5 months.   .   NOUVELLES RÉCENTES concernant LES INSTITUTIONS FINANCIÈRES INTERNATIONALES Selectionnez ici pour pdf Du tonique pour le financement novateur du développement   Read more ...
Il y a 16 years 5 months.   IFI accountability.   Innovative financing for development gets boost As the World Bank, IMF and World Trade Organization are set to discuss innovative financing at their bi-annual High-Level meeting at the UN next month, and UN representatives address the issue in their review of Chapter IV of the Monterrey Consensus days later (see IU January 2008), innovative finance has gotten a series of unexpected boosts from various sides.   Read more ...
Il y a 16 years 5 months.   Corporate accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions.   March 28, 2008 The Honourable James Flaherty Minister of Finance House of Commons Wellington St. Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6 Dear Minister Flaherty: I am writing with respect to the 2007 OECD Revised Council Recommendation on Common Approaches on the Environment and Officially Supported Export Credits. The Recommendation currently lacks a credible mechanism to monitor Member implementation and I write to urge Canada to support the adoption of a peer review system. I understand that the Secretariat of the OECD Export Credit Group (ECG) intends to include the issue of peer review for the Common Approaches in the agenda of the upcoming ECG meeting in April 2008. A peer review system is essential to generate credible information for use in the 2010 report to the OECD Council on the implementation of the Recommendation.   Read more ...
Il y a 16 years 6 months.   .   NOUVELLES RÉCENTES concernant LES INSTITUTIONS FINANCIÈRES INTERNATIONALES Selectionnez ici pour pdf    Read more ...
Il y a 16 years 6 months.   IFI governance, IFI policies and positions, Transparency and disclosure.   The changing face of global development finance In 2007 Brazil’s Development Bank issued loans worth more than double the entire World Bank portfolio. More than half of the increase in aid since 2002 comes from debt relief, rather than new funding commitments. What’s more, from 1995-2005, Africa saw no net increase in its development aid despite a 35% increase in commitments to global aid over that period. In 2007, China financed more infrastructure projects in Africa than all multilateral and bilateral donors combined. The Gates Foundation provides more funding for neglected developing country diseases than all of the Group of Seven. These were some of the facts that emerged at an HI conference on “The Changing Face of Global Development Finance - Impacts and implications for aid, development, the South and the Bretton Woods Institutions.”   Read more ...
Il y a 16 years 6 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions, Human rights.   At home and abroad, Canadian companies should have the same human-rights and environmental standards Our mining and oil and gas interests shouldn't act like a foreign fox in an overseas hen house ED BROADBENT AND ALEX NEVE Special to Globe and Mail Update February 29, 2008 at 12:21 AM EST   Read more ...
Il y a 16 years 6 months.   IFI policies and positions.   February 29, 2008 The Honorable Ban Ki-Moon Secretary General United Nations New York, NY Dear Secretary General: At the end of this year, governments of the world will meet in Doha, Qatar to evaluate progress in implementing the Monterrey Consensus. One of the critical elements of this consensus is the issue of external debt and its role in financing for development.   Read more ...
Il y a 16 years 7 months.   IFI governance.   On the second day of the February 2008 conference on the "Changing Face of Global Development Finance", we heard from the following: Charles Mutasa, AFRODAD providing an overview of aid effectiveness and its challenges; Lydia Duran, Association for Women's Rights in Development providing insight on the gender blind nature of the Paris Declaration and discussions around aid effectiveness; Rasheed Draman, Parliamentary Centre on how national Parliament's continue to be ostracized from the aid debate; Roy Culpeper, North-South Institute, on financing development and the role of domestic resource mobilization;   Read more ...
Il y a 16 years 7 months.   Human rights.   On days one and two of the February 2008 conference on the "Changing Face of Global Development Finance", we heard the following presentations: SPEAKERS: DAY ONE PRESENTATIONS SPEECHES   Read more ...
Il y a 16 years 7 months.   .   NOUVELLES RÉCENTES concernant LES INSTITUTIONS FINANCIÈRES INTERNATIONALES Selectionnez ici pour pdf   Read more ...
