
Il y a 16 years 7 months.   Human rights, IFI policies and positions.   Corruption back on the Bank’s agenda? Evidence of serious fraud and corruption has emerged in five Bank-funded health projects in Orissa, India. The $570 million for malaria, tuberculosis and HIV-AIDS control was implemented from 1997 to 2003. The charges emerged from a Detailed Implementation Review (DIR) of projects in India begun in 2006, a process itself triggered by evidence of corrupt practices by two pharmaceutical companies involved in another Bank health scheme. The Indian government has pledged to take “exemplary punishment” of the parties involved.     Read more ...
Il y a 16 years 8 months.   Human rights.   This paper examines international human rights law and officially-supported export credit agencies.   Read more ...
Il y a 16 years 9 months.   .   NOUVELLES RÉCENTES concernant LES INSTITUTIONS FINANCIÈRES INTERNATIONALES Selectionnez ici pour pdf La Banque mondiale remise en selle par des dons records – Les donateurs ferment les yeux sur ses mauvaises politiques   Read more ...
Il y a 16 years 9 months.   IFI governance, IFI policies and positions, Transparency and disclosure.   Increased donor funding boosts Bank, ignores bad policies A record US$25.1 billion was pledged by donors to the World Bank’s low-interest loan and grant facility, the International Development Association (IDA), as discussions on IDA’s 15th replenishment drew to a close in Berlin. With $16.5 billion pledged by the Bank itself, the full replenishment stands at $41.6 billion, up 30 per cent from the $31 billion in the previous round. The latest replenishment covers July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2011.   Read more ...
Il y a 16 years 9 months.   Corporate accountability, Human rights.   CANADA: Gov't Urged to Rein in Mining Sector by Am Johal, IPS News December 7th, 2007 Canadian mining companies continue to come under scrutiny from civil society organisations for international human rights violations and environmental damage that critics say the Canadian government has done little to check. Canada is a leader in the global mining industry, with almost 60 percent of the world's listed exploration and mining companies. The government supports some foreign mining activity through Export Development Canada, a federal agency.   Read more ...
Il y a 16 years 9 months.   IFI accountability, IFI governance, IFI policies and positions.   The face of Global Development Finance is changing. The international financial system has entered into a remarkable period of transition, relative to a few years ago. Numerous countries have repaid their debts to the IMF ahead of schedule, leaving the Fund with a US$103 million shortfall in fiscal year 2007. Many of these same countries have indicated that they will not return to the IMF because of the burdensome conditions that it imposes on debtors. In its place, new institutions and new sources of finance are emerging. Increasingly, Southern governments are seeking real alternatives to the Bank and Fund: a Bank of the South is emerging in Latin America, an $80 billion Monetary Fund has been created in Asia, and both China and India are providing Africa with condition-free financing that far surpasses current Bank allocations. But these new alternatives are not without their own challenges. What: The Changing Face of Global Development Finance – Impacts and implications for aid, development, the South and the Bretton Woods Institutions Who: Organized by the Halifax Initiative Coalition; co-hosted by the Canadian Council for International Co-operation, The North-South Institute and the Reality of Aid Network. When: February 1 - 2, 2008. Where: Rideau Room, Sheraton Ottawa Hotel, 150 Albert Street (between Metcalfe and O'Connor), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Why: The conference will look at some of the emerging alternatives, as well as the opportunities and challenges they present, with respect to the current international financial system and its institutions. Conference fees: $40 per day for non-Halifax Initiative members; $35 per day for HI members  IN THIS SECTION CONFERENCE DETAILS Final Agenda PDF / Word Speaker and Chair biographies PDF / Word Issue summaries and additional readings PDF / Word Glossary of Financial Terms Conference Sponsors List of participants PDF | Word Presentations, papers and speeches - Day One and Two Final Report   Read more ...
Il y a 16 years 9 months.   IFI policies and positions.   MPs, CSOs demand government response to Consensus Report on Extractives Earlier editions of this publication reported on the National Roundtables on Corporate Social Responsibility and the Canadian Extractive Industry in Developing Countries (See IU Vol. I No 10; Vol. II Nos 6, 9, 11; Vol. III, Nos 3 and 6). The cross-country consultation process was a constructive, multi-stakeholder dialogue on the overseas operations of Canadian oil, gas and mining companies. Remarkably, it culminated with the release of a consensus-based action plan for the Canadian government to improve the accountability of Canadian extractive companies overseas. The plan, which is outlined in the Advisory Group Final Report, was endorsed by participating representatives from industry, civil society and academia. That was in March. Eight months later, there is still no response from the federal government.   Read more ...
Il y a 16 years 9 months.   .   NOUVELLES RÉCENTES concernant LES INSTITUTIONS FINANCIÈRES INTERNATIONALES Selectionnez ici pour pdf Des députés et des OSC exigent du gouvernement une réponse au rapport de consensus sur l’industrie extractive   Read more ...
