
Il y a 19 years 7 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions, Transparency and disclosure.   We need your help to make Export Development Canada (EDC) more transparent!! CALL TO ACTION EDC continues to withhold key environmental information about the projects it supports, citing reasons of commercial confidentiality. When it does disclose information prior to supporting a project, this can be from one day to two weeks prior to signing the cheque.   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 7 months.   IFI governance, IFI reform.   APR 12, 2005 2005FIN157471 Mr. John Mihevc Chair Halifax Initiative Coalition 104-153 Chapel Street Ottawa, ON KIN 1H5 Dear Mr. Mihevc: Thank you for your correspondence of March 17, 2005, in which you raised concerns about the U.S. nominee, Dr. Paul Wolfowitz, for the position of President of the World Bank. I appreciate your views. On March 31, Canada joined the consensus of World Bank shareholders to select Dr. Wolfowitz as the tenth President of the World Bank. Prior to this decision, Canada and other member countries, through their Executive Directors, had discussions with Dr. Wolfowitz on issues related to the Bank's policies, programs and ongoing mission of poverty reduction.   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 7 months.   IFI governance, IFI reform.   March 17, 2005 The Honourable Ralph Goodale M.P., P.C., Minister of Finance 140 O'Connor Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G5 Via Fax: 995-5176 RE: Canadian NGOs Call for the Government of Canada to Oppose the Nomination of Paul Wolfowitz to the position of President of the World Bank Dear Minister Goodale, We are writing to express our strong concern with the nomination by the US government of Paul Wolfowitz to become the next President of the World Bank. We call on the Government of Canada to direct its Executive Director to the World Bank, Marcel Massé to strongly oppose the nomination and to vote against it.   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 7 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions, Millennium Development Goals.   Received July 8, 2005   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 7 months.   .   Recieved July 8, 2005 Mr. John Mihevc Chair Halifax Initiative Coalition 104 - 153 Chapel Street Ottawa, Ontario KIN 1H5 Dear Mr. Mihevc: As Minister of International Cooperation, I am pleased to respond to your letter to the Prime Minister, concerning Canada's international assistance efforts. Financial taxes are complex matters, especially when they are meant to generate additional revenues for development and not, like past proposals such as the Tobin tax, to reduce market volatility. This is why my colleague, the Honourable Ralph E. Goodale, Minister of Finance, and I requested, at the World Bank and International Monetary Fund meetings last October, that their staff conduct technical studies on the potential impact of various innovative financing proposals.   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 7 months.   .   Click here for PDF March 7, 2005   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 7 months.   Human rights.   February 28, 2005 Indigenous Peoples Coordinator Mailstop MC5-523 World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 USA Email: RE: Comments on Revised Draft Operational Policy on Indigenous Peoples (Revised Draft OP 4.10) Dear Indigenous Peoples Coordinator, Please find below our comments on the Draft Operational Policy on Indigenous Peoples (Revised Draft OP 4.10). We the undersigned Canadian organizations and representatives are writing to highlight the need for the World Bank to strengthen its draft OP 4.10 in order to ensure that the policy sufficiently meets international standards and guarantees on the rights of Indigenous Peoples. In our opinion, for the operational policy to be seen to be credible and effective it must contain mandatory provisions that:   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 8 months.   .   Statement issued by Stephen Lewis, UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, on the occasion of the launch in Canada of the "Make Poverty History" campaign, at a press conference in Ottawa, February 11th, 2005, 10:00 a.m. The "Make Poverty History" campaign is rooted in the conviction that 2005 can be the turning point in the fight to eliminate poverty from the face of the earth. There are one billion, two hundred million people living in absolute poverty world-wide, and nearly half of them are in Africa. From my perspective, the mesh of poverty and HIV/AIDS is the deadliest combination on the planet, and there's not the slightest possibility of confronting poverty so long as AIDS runs its savage course.   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 8 months.   .   PDF available here NEWS RELEASE For immediate release Coalition of Canadian CSOs Highlight the Weaknesses of Canadian Debt Proposal Ottawa, Febuary 2, 2005 – A coalition of Canadian civil society organizations criticized the Government of Canada’s proposal for debt relief noting it actually doesn’t cancel any debts and only starts to address the needs of the poorest countries. “The package announced by the Government of Canada this morning won't fully meet the needs of the poorest countries because it only covers debt servicing for a maximum of ten years up to 2015 and doesn’t lead to full debt cancellation at all,” says John Mihevc, of KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives and Chair of the Halifax Initiative Coalition.   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 8 months.   .   2005 Federal Budget On February 23 Finance Minister Ralph Goodale released the government's Federal Budget. The budget contained several pieces of information relating to the International Financial Institutions and international development assistance. In general, the budget locked in the government's commitment from the 2002 UN Conference on Financing for Development to increase Canada's aid budget by 8% per year up to 2010. The budget confirmed a number of initiatives that were announced in advance of the budget release relating to the IFIs, including a 40% increase in Canada's contribution to the World Bank's International Development Association (IDA) and a multilateral debt-servicing package.   Read more ...
