
Il y a 20 years 1 week.   .   Dear Halifax Initiative Rapid Response Network, Please note that this coming month is a critical time for the campaign to cancel the debt of poor countries.  We are asking you to take action to help make 100% debt cancellation a possibility for the poorest countries, with no conditions attached. What you can do?  1) Call Prime Minister Martin, Minister Goodale and your MP and tell them you want Canada to support cancelling the debt (see note below and attached)   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 4 weeks.   IFI policies and positions.   Click here for pdf of the full report By Asad Ismi   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 4 weeks.   Corporate accountability, Environment.   David Agren The Ottawa Citizen Tuesday, August 24, 2004 A Canadian mining company that struck a rich vein of gold in Transylvania has encountered strong opposition from environmental groups and local residents who are organizing an MTV-sponsored concert to try to thwart the development of a giant open-pit mine. Organizers expect 2,000 protesters and fans to converge on Rosia Montana, a mineral-rich, but impoverished corner of western Romania this weekend for a concert headlined by hip-hop and alternative rock acts and a march to oppose to the project.   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 1 month.   .   August 23, 2004 Mr. Fraser Reilly-King Co-ordinator, NGO Working Group on EDC Halifax Initiative 104-153 Chapel Street Ottawa, Ontario K1N 1H5   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 1 month.   .   Sep 24 2004 Mr. John Mihevc Chair Halifax Initiative Coalition   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 1 month.   IFI policies and positions, IFI reform.   Business as usual in more ways than one: NGOs say World Bank looks set to miss an historic moment to show that it can learn from its mistakes Ottawa -  As World Bank staff return to work for the second day under the chilling new terrorist alert in the U.S., all efforts are being made to ensure that their work carries forward as it normally would. But NGOs are concerned that the World Bank will today decide to carry on with “business as usual” in its oil, gas and mining operations even though a World Bank commissioned report called for significant changes to how the Bank invests in mining and oil projects.   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 1 month.   Corporate accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions.   Corruption: Canada backs firm banned by World Bank by Marty Logan, Inter Press Service (Johannesburg), July 30, 2004. It is business as usual between Canadian government agencies and a local company barred from World Bank contracts after being convicted of bribery in Africa. In September 2002, engineering firm Acres International was found guilty in the High Court in the southern African nation of Lesotho for trying to bribe the official responsible for the multi-billion-dollar World Bank-financed Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP). Acres, based in Oakville in the province of Ontario, appealed and last year had one charge dropped. But the conviction was maintained on the second count and the firm was fined the equivalent of two million U.S. dollars.   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 2 months.   Corporate accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions, IFI policies and positions, Transparency and disclosure.   World Bank Sanctions Acres International Limited World Bank News Release No: 2005/33/S WASHINGTON, Jul. 23, 2004 – The World Bank has sanctioned Acres International Limited (Acres), a Canadian company, as a result of corrupt activities related to its Bank financed contract associated with the Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP). Acres was declared ineligible to receive any new Bank financed contracts for a period of three years. This action is part of the Bank’s broad anticorruption efforts initiated by President James Wolfensohn in 1996. More information on the World Bank’s overall anticorruption policies and activities can be found at:   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 2 months.   IFI accountability, IFI governance, IFI policies and positions, IFI reform.   Questioning the value of the World Bank: Can it change? Today the World Bank and the IMF (International Monetary Fund) will turn sixty.   Read more ...
