
Il y a 20 years 4 months.   Corporate accountability, Human rights.   Risk, Responsibility and Human Rights: Assessing the Human Rights Impacts of Trade and Project Finance   Panel discussion and expert meeting   In an effort to address the lack of dialogue around the issue of human rights and trade and project financing, and acknowledging the increasing pressure for corporations, ECAs and other public international financial institutions (PIFIs) to take human rights into account, the NGO Working Group on Export Development Canada (WG), in collaboration with Rights & Democracy (formerly ICHRDD), organized a meeting in Ottawa on May 3rd and 4th, 2004 to discuss how the human rights impacts of trade and project finance can be assessed.   This conference builds on previous discussions amongst civil society on this issue. The May 2004 workshop will build on those initial meetings, bringing together experts from government (including EDC), academia and civil society to explore the challenges and opportunities for developing a Human Rights Impact Assessment.   When: May 3-4, 2004 Where: Volunteer Canada, McLeod Street, Ottawa, Ontario     IN THIS SECTION CONFERENCE DETAILS Final discussion paper (pdf - 418 k) Bios of speakers and moderators (pdf) Papers and powerpoint presentations: Joan Kuyek, MiningWatch Canada Christina Schultz, Human Rights and Business Project, Danish Institute for Human Rights Nick Killick, Business and Conflict Program, International Alert Audrey Macklin, University of Toronto Final Report (word - 750k) (pdf - 428k) (including agenda and list of participants)   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 4 months.   Human rights, IFI policies and positions.   For pdf click here A Multistakeholder meeting on "Risk, Responsibility and Human Rights: Assessing the Human Rights Impacts of Trade and Project Finance" was organized by the NGO Working Group on EDC in May 2004. A Discussion paper was prepared for the meeting looking at how ECAs and other International Finance Institutions take (or don't take) human rights into account. It made a number of suggestions as to how to mainstream human rights into the project cycle, including a proposal for a human rights impact assessment, and commensurate mechanisms within IFIs. The Final Report provides the minutes from the meeting, including the presentations made by various speakers, discussion sessions, and a summary of the two day event. Un aperçu général des présentations faites par divers conférenciers et du contenu des séances de discussion est disponible en français, de même qu’un résumé des conclusions du colloque.   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 5 months.   .   Media Release     Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 5 months.   .   April 16, 2004   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 5 months.   Corporate accountability.   Tell Canadian Noranda Inc. CEO, Derek Pannell that you want the company to SAVE Patagonia and CAN its aluminum smelter project!! Photo: Greenpeace Chile   What is Alumysa?   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 5 months.   .   Fraser Reilly-King Coordinator – NGO Working Group on EDC Halifax Initiative 104 – 153 Chapel Street Ottawa, ON  K1N 1H5     Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 5 months.   IFI policies and positions.   2004 marks the 60th Anniversary of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.   For too many years now, the policies and practices of these two institutions have increased inequality, raised unemployment rates, undermined healthcare and education and contributed to environmental degradation in over 100 developing countries.   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 5 months.   .     Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 5 months.   Corporate accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions.   National Post   Martin's problem: Corruption at home and abroad     Read more ...
