
Il y a 19 years 11 months.   .   KAIROS Analysis of the Outcome  of the G-7 Finance Ministers’ and IMF & World Bank Annual Meetings, Oct. 1-3, 2004   This briefing provides an analysis of the outcome of the G7 Finance Ministers Meeting and the IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings in light of the four demands put forward by KAIROS and the Halifax Initiative.   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 11 months.   Transparency and disclosure.   For pdf, click here Overview Accountability is the cornerstone of democratic governance. Yet Export Development Canada (EDC), a Crown Corporation mandated to promote Canadian trade abroad, is still relatively unaccountable for the potentially environmentally devastating projects they finance.   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 11 months.   Government accountability, Transparency and disclosure.   For pdf, click here. Overview   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 11 months.   IFI accountability.   For pdf, click here Overview Corruption has become a focus of national and international concern. Yet Export Development Canada (EDC), a Crown Corporation mandated to promote Canadian trade abroad, has anti-corruption procedures that despite recent improvement, still contain considerable loopholes, meaning that Canadian companies paying bribes abroad are unlikely to be detected and then properly sanctioned.   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 11 months.   IFI accountability.   For pdf, click here. Overview Export Development Canada (EDC), a Crown Corporation mandated to promote Canadian trade abroad, has developed policies on the environment, disclosure, human rights and corruption that still fall far short of ensuring appropriate due diligence and public accountability.   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 11 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.   Canadian Civil Society Groups Call for Prime Minister Martin to Push for Unconditional Debt Cancellation for World’s Poorest Ottawa – Canadian Civil Society Organizations today sent an open letter to Prime Minister Martin calling on Canada to support full debt cancellation for the poorest countries. Meetings in Washington this weekend around the World Bank and IMF fall meetings may produce a plan to deal with the crushing debts held by the poorest countries. “Prime Minister Martin, this is a key opportunity for Canada to show the international leadership you spoke of in the lead up and during the last federal election. We hope that the Government of Canada will use this opportunity to secure a lasting solution to the debt crisis facing the poorest countries,” the letter says.   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 11 months.   .   COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE – LE 29 SEPTEMBRE 2004 POUR PUBLICATION IMMÉDIATE Des groupes de la société civile canadienne demandent au Premier ministre Paul Martin de faire pression en faveur de l’annulation inconditionnelle de la dette des pays les plus démunis   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 11 months.   .   SEP 28 2004   Mr. John Mihevc Chair Halifax Initiative Coalition 104-153 Chapel Street Ottawa, Ontario KIN 1H5 Dear Mr. Mihevc: Thank you for your letter in which you raised the issues of International Development Association (IDA) governance, debt relief and the independent review of the World Bank's role in extractive industries. With respect to the latter issue, I understand that my officials have been corresponding with the Halifax Initiative on your concerns.   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 4 days.   .   Executive Summary available here in pdf Full Report available here in pdf   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 6 days.   Transparency and disclosure.   Coalition Welcomes EDC Report, Warns Only First Step for Crown Corporation Ottawa, September 16 – A Canadian coalition of development, environment, faith-based, human rights, and labour groups today welcomed the release of Export Development Canada’s Second Annual Chief Environmental Adviser’s Report, but warned that this is only a small step towards ensuring greater public accountability for the Crown Corporation. “We are definitely encouraged that EDC chose to release this report for a second year running, and responded to earlier feedback by shedding a little more light on EDC’s internal workings”, said Fraser Reilly-King, Coordinator of the NGO Working Group on EDC. “But when you have to wait a year to get any substantive information relating to EDC’s environmental transactions, it becomes obvious how far they still have to go.”   Read more ...
