
Il y a 19 years 11 months.   Transparency and disclosure.   Report Card Flunks Crown Corp on Transparency Ottawa, October 25, 2004 – A Canadian coalition of groups hammered Export Development Canada (EDC) for poor transparency on the most controversial and risky projects it funds, the day before the Auditor General is set to release a report on the environmental and disclosure policies of the crown corporation. “Three years ago the Auditor General identified public consultation and disclosure of environmental information as being essential to a credible review process”, said Fraser Reilly-King, Coordinator of the NGO Working Group on EDC, the coalition that released the report. “Yet EDC still has no requirements to do either, and has not released a single environmental impact assessment for the potentially most harmful projects. Without greater transparency, EDC’s environmental review lacks credibility.”   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 11 months.   Transparency and disclosure.   Issued to coincide with the Auditor General's review of EDC's environmental policy, this Report Card grades EDC on the progress they have made over the past   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 11 months.   .   Bulletin de notes sur une société d’État : échec au chapitre de la transparence Ottawa, le 25 octobre 2004 – À la veille du dépôt du rapport de la vérificatrice générale du Canada sur les politiques d’Exportation et développement Canada (EDC) en matière d’environnement et de divulgation de renseignements, une coalition cana   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 11 months.   Government accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions, Transparency and disclosure.   Report Card Flunks Crown Corp on Transparency Ottawa, October 25, 2004 – A Canadian coalition of groups hammered Export Development Canada (EDC) for poor transparency on the most controversial and risky projects it funds, the day before the Auditor General is set to release a report on the environmental and disclosure policies of the crown corporation. “Three years ago the Auditor General identified public consultation and disclosure of environmental information as being essential to a credible review process”, said Fraser Reilly-King, Coordinator of the NGO Working Group on EDC, the coalition that released the report.   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 11 months.   .   January 17, 2005 Mr. Fraser Reilly-King NGO Working Group on EDC 153 Chapel Street. #104 Ottawa Ontario  K1N 1H5 Dear Mr. Reilly-King, This refers to your letter of October 20 regarding the INCO Goro Nickel Mine in New Caledonia. First, I should point out that your correspondence referenced our letter dated January 7, 2003 to your enquiry of October 23, 2002; please note that you wrote us regarding INCO's plans for expansion in Indonesia, not New Caledonia, and our reply related to the same.   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 11 months.   Transparency and disclosure.   October 20, 2004 Mr. Gilles Ross Acting President and CEO Export Development Canada 151 O'Connor Street Ottawa, ONT, K1A 1K3 Dear Mr. Ross,   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 11 months.   .   October 20, 2004 Mr. Gilles Ross Acting President and CEO Export Development Canada 151 O’Connor Street Ottawa, ON  K1A 1K3 Dear Mr. Ross, We recognize the changes that EDC has made over the past few years to enhance transparency, increase consultation and ensure internal compliance. It is in this context of openness that we are writing to inquire whether you are considering providing any sort of loan, insurance, guarantee or other form of financial assistance for the troubled Inco Goro Nickel mine in New Caledonia, a project which would appear to violate EDC’s environmental guidelines.   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 11 months.   IFI governance.   Executive Summary available here in pdf Full Report available here in pdf Halifax Initiative's new paper, "Who's Minding the Store? Legislator Oversight of the Bretton Woods Institutions" examines to what extent national legislatures maintain democratic oversight of the World Bank and IMF. The survey reveals that legislators are inadequately aware, unevenly informed and largely not consulted on issues related to the institutions. The democratic link to bind citizens and institutional decision-makers is therefore fragile, at best.     Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 11 months.   .   Canadian Civil Society Groups Disappointed in G-7 Failure to Bridge Differences  to Provide Debt Relief to the Poorest Countries. Ottawa – Canadian civil society groups in the Halifax Initiative Coalition expressed disappointment with G-7 Finance Ministers for failing to show the political will to bridge differences and cancel the debts of the poorest countries, but highlight that 100% debt cancellation is now universally acknowledged to be necessary for the poorest countries. "Even though it is a real disappointment, the momentum is building for full debt cancellation," says Derek MacCuish, Coordinator of the Social Justice Committee. "The G-7 has now recognized what civil society organizations in Canada and around the world have been saying for decades - that the debt of the poorest countries needs to be cancelled."   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 11 months.   .   For pdf, click here. Overview Informed public consultation is the foundation of good environmental impact assessment (EIA) and review. Yet the EIA policies of Export Development Canada (EDC), a Crown Corporation mandated to promote Canadian trade abroad, falls far short of both national and international standards.   Read more ...
