
Il y a 19 years 7 months.   IFI accountability, IFI policies and positions.   April 8, 2005 2005FIN153718 Mr. John Mihevc and co-signatories Chair Halifax initiative Coalition 104-153 Chapel Street Ottawa, ON KIN 1H5 Dear Mr. Mihevc and co-signatories: Thank you for your correspondence of January 28, 2005 regarding debt relief, additional financing and other development issues. I apologize for the delay of my reply.   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 7 months.   .   PDF Letter available here Version PDF française disponible ici January 28, 2005 The Honourable Ralph Goodale M.P., P.C., Minister of Finance 140 O'Connor Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0G5 Fax: 995-5176 RE: Canadian CSOs Call for Leadership to Secure Full and Unconditional Cancellation of Poor Country Debts Dear Minister Goodale, The next few months offer an historic opportunity for Canada to take leadership among the G7 Finance Ministers to consider genuine and permanent solutions to the problems of debt and development, especially as they affect Africa.   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 7 months.   .   Version PDF française disponible ici PDF English Letter available here Le 28 janvier 2005   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 8 months.   .   January 13, 2005. Mr. Marcel Mass Canadian Executive Director World Bank Group MC-12-175, 1818 H St. N.W., Washington, DC 20433, USA Fax: (202) 477-4155   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 8 months.   .   January 13, 2005 Mr. Fraser Reilly-King Halifax Initiative 153 Chapel Street, Suite 104 Ottawa ON KIN 1H5 Re: Compliance program file number 22364-1-2003   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 8 months.   .   Chirac Proposes International Taxes to Fight Poverty French President Jacques Chirac, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, called on all developed countries to substantially increase aid budgets to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Taxes designed to skim some of the wealth generated by globalization include levies on crossborder financial transactions, taxing aviation and shipping fuel, environmental taxes and air travel charges.   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 9 months.   .   December 9, 2004 Mr. Gilles Ross Acting President and CEO Export Development Canada 151 O'Connor Street Ottawa, ON K1A 1K3 Dear Mr. Ross,   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 9 months.   .   KAIROS Statement on Global Day of Action Against Debt Domination Dec. 8, 2004   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 9 months.   IFI policies and positions, Transparency and disclosure.   International Finance Corporation Review The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private lending arm of the World Bank, is in the process of revising its social, environmental, and disclosure policies. These policies are currently the de facto international standards for export credit agencies, the Equator Principle banks, and the IFC - touching upon nearly three quarters of all international public and private project finance. The new Performance Standards are better integrated than the IFC's predecessor, the safeguards, but groups have individually challenged them on a number of fronts.   Read more ...
Il y a 19 years 10 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.   Calling for a "Made in Canada" Proposal Percent Debt Cancellation By Michael Bassett This weekend Finance Minister Ralph Goodale will join his counterparts from 20 developed, emerging and developing countries at the regular G20 Finance Ministers meeting. Prime Minister Paul Martin created this grouping of countries in 1999. It stands as an example of the Canadian leadership on the international stage that Mr. Martin has often spoken of, but little delivered since becoming Prime Minister last year.   Read more ...
