
Il y a 20 years 6 months.   Transparency and disclosure.   Mr. Ian Gillespie President and CEO   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 6 months.   IFI policies and positions.   The Honourable Ralph Goodale Minister of Finance House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 6 months.   .   Please select the kind of can you want to send Noranda CEO and President Derek Pannell, and enter your personal details below. These will be attached to the message.   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 6 months.   IFI policies and positions.   Amandla! Awethu! Africans Fight Corporate Greed     Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 6 months.   IFI policies and positions.   The Role of the World Bank in Developing Country Water Privatization Just as there is a global consensus on what constitutes a sound energy sector, so too is there a consensus on the central features of a sound water supply and sanitation sector. This consensus draws on the same principles of separating the roles of providers (increasingly private) and regulation and policy formulation and assessment (a public role), and of competition amongst providers.   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 7 months.   .   February 12, 2004   Mr. James Wolfensohn   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 7 months.   IFI policies and positions.   February 12, 2004   Mr. James Wolfensohn President World Bank Group 1818 H Street NW Washington, DC 20433 HAND – DELIVERY / MELBOURNE   Read more ...
Il y a 20 years 7 months.   IFI policies and positions.       Read more ...
