IFI governance

Monthly Issue Update - November 30, 2009

Corporate Accountability Hearings Heat Up
Things were hopping this month in Parliamentary hearings on Bill-300, An Act respecting Corporate Accountability for the Activities of Mining, Oil or Gas in Developing Countries (see IU February 2009). The Bill was presented before the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development by MP John McKay on May 25. This month Committee members heard riveting testimony from diverse witnesses (see JUST THE FACTS). Speakers included: Romina Picolotti, former Secretary of the Environment for Argentina and winner of the prestigious Sophie Prize for environment and sustainable development; Stephen Hunt, former mine worker and current Director at the United Steelworkers union; Marketa Evans, the federal government’s new Corporate Social Responsibility Counsellor; and mining companies Barrick Gold, Goldcorp and Kinross.

Gordon Betcherman

Governance and institution - Global economic governance in crisis: new players, new power

Moderator: Gordon Betcherman, Professor, School of International Development and Global Studies, University of Ottawa

Teresa Healy

Rules and policies - Raising and retaining funds

Moderator: Teresa Healy, Senior Researcher, Social and Economic Policy
Department, Canadian Labour Congress

Questions and answers and discussion - Tuesday 11:15am panel

Rules and policies - Raising and retaining funds

Questions and answers and discussion

Gerry Barr

Close and summing up

Gerry Barr, President-CEO, Canadian Council for International Co-operation
and Chair, Make Poverty History Canada

Q&A Session

Perspectives on proposals for change - Rethinking the global financial system

Questions and answers and discussion

Government of Canada: 

John Davies

Rethinking global development finance – perspectives from the Canadian government

John Davies, Director and IDA Deputy, International Finance and Development Division, Finance Canada

Government of Canada: 

Soren Ambrose

Rethinking the global financial architecture – perspectives from civil society

Soren Ambrose, Development Finance Coordinator, Action Aid International

Amar Bhattacharya

Rethinking the global financial architecture –perspectives from the Inter-Governmental Group of 24

Amar Bhattacharya, Director, Inter-Governmental Group of 24

Cristina Rojas

Perspectives on proposals for change - Rethinking the global financial system

Moderator: Cristina Rojas, Professor, Norman Paterson School of
International Affairs, Carleton University


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