Canadian International Development Agency

Centre for Excellence Workshop on UN Guiding Principles

On September 15, 2011, the Canadian government's Centre for Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibilty held a workshop with John Ruggie entitled, 'Implications of the Guiding Principles for the Implementation of the UN Framework for CSR in the Canadian Extratcive Sector.' The Halifax Initiative participated on behalf of the Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability as the civil society respondent to Mr. Ruggie.

CNCA Press Release on Bill C-300

Bill C-300: Narrow Defeat despite Widespread Support for Mining Accountability and Human Rights

Ottawa, October 28th, 2010 - The Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability (CNCA) deeply regrets the defeat of Private Member’s Bill C-300, The Responsible Mining Bill, at third and final reading in the House of Commons. The Bill lost by a narrow margin of 140 to 134.

Monthly Issue Update - May 31/June 30, 2010

G8-G20 summits fall flat, ignore call for sustainable future
This month “Fortress Toronto”, with its 18,000 strong security forces and four kilometer chain link fence, bore witness to a Peoples’ Summit ripe with ideas and alternatives, petitions signed by 1.75 million asking leaders to invest in the future now, a 25,000 strong peaceful protest, media stunts galore, some regrettable violence, and two deeply disappointing summits.

The Millennium Development Goals

Definitely not the G8  

Final script May 22, 2010; release date June 18, 2010.

HI Resource Types: 

Charles Abugre, UN Millennium Campaign, Africa

2010 G8/G20 Canadian Civil Society Coordinating Committee
Parliamentary Roundtables on the G8/G20 Agendas

Roundtable 3: The Millennium Development Goals

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010 9:00 am - 11:00 am Room 2-2, National Press Building, 165 Sparks Street, Ottawa

HI Resource Types: 

Roundtable 3: The Millennium Development Goals - Podcast

2010 G8/G20 Canadian Civil Society Coordinating Committee
Parliamentary Roundtables on the G8/G20 Agendas

Roundtable 3: The Millennium Development Goals

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Room 2-2, National Press Building, 165 Sparks Street, Ottawa

HI Resource Types: 

Event: Climate Change and Poverty at G8/G20 - April 28, 2010

Climate Change and Poverty: Off the Table?

In the wake of the financial crisis, countries around the world have cut back on their commitments to combat climate change and poverty. As the G8/G20 leaders prepare to gather in June, what are the challenges and opportunities for getting these issues back on the table?

Charles Abugre, Director of Campaigns for the Millennium Development Goals, United Nations Development Program
Gauri Sreenivasan, Policy Coordinator, Canadian Council for International Co-operation

Wednesday, April 28th 7:00pm - 9:00pm
The University of Ottawa - Pavillion Desmarais
55 Laurier East, Room 1120 (First Floor)

For more information please contact Caroline Foster at

Co-sponsored by:
Canadian Council for International Co-operation - Africa Canada Forum
Halifax Initiative
KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives
School of International Development and Global Studies

Event: Parliamentary roundtables on the G8/G20 Agendas - April 20, 26 and 27, 2010

Parliamentary Roundtables on the G8/G20 Agendas

2010 is an important and unique moment for Parliamentarians to engage with Canadians on some of the most important global issues facing our planet and our future.  On June 25th, 2010, Canada will play host to leaders from the Group of Eight countries in Muskoka, followed by a meeting of G20 leaders in Toronto on June 26-27.

To date, there has been little discussion among parliamentarians about the themes leading up to the 2010 summits, and Canadian civil society is looking to engage members from all parties in a discussion around some of the issues highlighted in our civil society platform, An Agenda for Global Development: G8/G20 Civil Society Coalition Platform, endorsed by over 60 organizations across the country.  The platform discusses specific, measurable, realistic recommendations to put poverty eradication, economic recovery for all and environmental justice at the centre of the international agenda.

To facilitate the conversation, Canadian civil society is organizing three parliamentary roundtables to discuss party perspectives on climate change, the financial crisis and the millennium development goals (MDGs). The Roundtables will occur as the G20 Finance Ministers meet in Washington, as G8 Development Ministers meet in Halifax and as Canada hosts the Africa Partnership Forum in Toronto.

Roundtable 1: Climate change
When:     Tuesday, April 20th, 2010 - 9:00 am –11:00 am
Where:    Room 2-2, Booth Building, 165 Sparks Street, Ottawa

Roundtable 2: Global financial crisis
When:     Monday, April 26th, 2010 - 5:00 pm –7:00 pm
Where:    Room 2-2, Booth Building, 165 Sparks Street, Ottawa

Roundtable 3: Millennium Development Goals
When:     Tuesday, April 27th, 2010 - 9:00am –11:00am
Where:    Room 2-2, Booth Building, 165 Sparks Street, Ottawa


Canadian G8 G20 Civil Society Platform

Roundtable Agendas

Moderator, MP and Expert Bios 


Press Responses: February 3, 2010

Three ways to pay for aid commitments
EMBASSY – Canada’s Foreign Policy Newspaper

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Stephen Harper’s announcement that child and maternal health will be the signature theme of June’s G8 meeting is certainly timely.

Every day 1,400 women die of pregnancy-related causes.  Every day 24,000 children under the age of five die of what are largely preventable causes. Progress on improving child and maternal health is the furthest off-track of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) UN member states committed to in 2000. This focus gives MDGs four and five, on child and maternal health, the push they need ahead of September’s United Nations High Level Meeting and ten year review of the MDGs.

But funding the initiative comes during difficult days – a global crisis and a budget deficit. Resources are tight.


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