
Il y a 14 years 11 months.   Environment, Government of Canada policies and positions, IFI accountability, IFI governance, IFI policies and positions, IFI reform, Millennium Development Goals, Sustainability, Tax Justice, Transparency and disclosure.    Topic  Presentation  Speech KEY NOTE: Thinking the unthinkable – The global financial crisis as an opportunity for transformative and systemic change?    Podcast Causes of, and responses to, the global financial crisis - Chuck Freedman, Co-Director, Centre for Monetary and Financial Economics, Carleton University   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 11 months.   Corporate accountability, ECA Reform, EDC reform, EDC regulation, Environment, Government accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions, Human rights.   Presentation regarding Bill C-300 - An Act respecting Corporate Accountability for the Activities of Mining, Oil or Gas in Developing Countries Karyn Keenan, Program Officer, Halifax Initiative October 22, 2009 The Halifax Initiative is a coalition of human rights, environmental, faith-based, development and labour organizations. Our objective is to transform public international financial institutions to achieve poverty eradication, environmental sustainability and the full realization of universal human rights. My work focuses on the operations of public institutions that provide support to the private sector, in particular the International Finance Corporation of the World Bank Group and Export Development Canada. The latter, a Crown corporation, is Canada’s export credit agency and will be the focus of my comments this morning.   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 11 months.   .   À la hauteur du défi : Une conférence multi-intervenants sur la responsabilité des entreprises des industries extractives du Canada exerçant des activités à l’étranger L'Inscription est fermée Les inscriptions sont maintenant ouvertes pour une conférence multi-intervenants d’une journée sur la responsabilité des entreprises des industries extractives du Canada exerçant des activités à l’étranger, parrainée conjointement par le Réseau canadien sur la reddition de comptes des entreprises et l’Association minière du Canada. Quand: Le mardi 3 novembre 2009, de 8 h 30 à 17 h 00 : Holiday Inn, Plaza la Chaudière, 2, rue Montcalm, Gatineau (Québec) Qui devrait y assister: Des responsables du gouvernement fédéral, des représentants de la société civile et de l’industrie, des universitaires et des étudiants, des députés et des représentants des médias. On offrira des services d’interprétation simultanée durant la plénière de la matinée et pour un des groupes d’experts/de discussion, en après-midi. Le repas du midi sera offert sur place. Pour vous inscrire: L'inscription est fermée. La préinscription est obligatoire. Pour de plus amples renseignements: Communiquer avec Jean Christie.   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 11 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.   Executive Summary 2010 will be a decisive year for Canada, and for the world.  The deadline for meeting the world’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is only five years away.   Our decisions on economic reform and climate change will determine the success of world’s efforts to reduce poverty and reverse dangerous global warming for the next generation and beyond.  As host of the next G8 and G20 Summits, Canada can make the difference between relegating these aspirations to a distant hope in an uncertain future and confirming the possibility of achieving these goals in our lifetime.  The consequences of reneging on our promises are unthinkable for the millions around the world looking towards a new model of globalization that is socially responsible, economically sustainable and environmentally just.   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 11 months.   Corporate accountability, Domestic legislation, Government of Canada policies and positions.   Up to the Challenge: a Multi-Stakeholder Conference on Corporate Accountability in Canada’s Extractive Industries Operating Abroad One-day, Multi-stakeholder Conference on Corporate Accountability in Canada’s Extractive Industries Operating Abroad, co-sponsored by the Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability and the Mining Association of Canada. When: Tuesday November 3, 2009, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Where: Holiday Inn, Plaza la Chaudière, 2 rue Montcalm, Gatineau, Québec Who should attend: Federal Government officials, civil society and industry representatives, academics and students, Members of Parliament and media Simultaneous interpretation will be available for the morning plenary and for one afternoon panel / discussion group. Lunch will be provided on site. To register: Conference Registration is closed. Pre-registration is required. For further information: contact Jean Christie   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 11 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions, IFI accountability, IFI governance, IFI policies and positions, Sustainability.   Since September 2008, when the financial crisis took on global dimensions, the Group of Twenty has met three times at the level of Heads of State, and with a seeminly impressive array of commitments on tax issues, emergency finance, trade finance, global governance, regulating private capital, and redefining new roles for existing and new global institutions. But what is missing in their response to the global crisis? Who are the real winners and losers? What has really changed, and what hasn't? And are the levels of change commensurate with the tectonic shifts taking place in the global economy and with the degree of impact on the ground? Perhaps more importantly, are these the type of changes to ensure a crisis like this never happens again? What: What's missing in the response ot the global financial crisis?  Rethinking the international financial system during a time of crisis Who: Organized by the Halifax Initiative Coalition; co-hosted by The North-South Institute and the University of Ottawa. When: October 19 - 20, 2009. Why: The conference will look at current responses to the financial crisis, identify where those responses are falling short, and propose some policy alternatives ahead of Canada hosting the Group of Eight Summit in 2010. IN THIS SECTION CONFERENCE DETAILS Final Conference Agenda, Speaker and Chair bios, Participant's list PDF / Word Glossary of Financial Terms Conference Sponsors Presentations and speeches (podcasts) Policy Brief - Implications for the Canadian Government (PDF)   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 11 months.   .   Depuis septembre 2008, soit depuis que la crise financière a pris des proportions mondiales, le Groupe des Vingt s’est réuni trois fois à l’échelon des chefs d’État, et il a pris une gamme apparemment impressionnante d’engagements sur des questions fiscales, le financement émergent, le financement commercial, la gouvernance mondiale, la régulation du capital privé et la redéfinition des rôles des anciennes et nouvelles institutions mondiales. Mais que manque-t-il dans leur réponse à la crise mondiale? Qui sont les vrais gagnants et les vrais perdants? Qu’est-ce qui a vraiment changé et qu’est-ce qui n’a pas changé? Et les niveaux de changement sont-ils à la mesure des mouvements tectoniques qui s’opèrent actuellement dans l’économie mondiale et de leur impact sur le terrain? Et peut-être plus important encore, ces changements sont-ils en mesure de nous garantir qu’une crise comme celle-ci ne se reproduira plus? Quoi? Que manque-t-il dans la réponse à la crise financière mondiale? Repenser le système financier mondial en temps de crise Qui? La conférence est organisée par la Coalition de l’Initiative d’Halifax et parrainée conjointement par l’Institut Nord-Sud et l’Université d’Ottawa. Quand? Les 19 et 20 octobre 2009 Pourquoi? La conférence examinera les réponses actuelles à la crise financière, en pointant celles qui n’atteignent pas leur objectif, et proposera des solutions de rechange au moment où le Canada s’apprête à accueillir le Sommet du Groupe des Huit en 2010. DANS CETTE SECTION DÉTAILS CONFÉRENCE Programme final de la conférence, Biographies des orateurs et des animateurs, Liste des participants PDF / Word Présentation des conférencier(-ère)s et moderateurs (-trices) PDF / Word Lexique de terms financiers Bailleurs de fonds Présentations et discours (baladodiffusion audio) Document de synthèse - Implications pour le gouvernement canadien   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 11 months.   .   Depuis 2005, la Coalition de l’Initiative d’Halifax produit annuellement un bulletin de notes sur le Rapport sur les opérations effectuées en vertu de la Loi sur les accords de Bretton Woods et des   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 11 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.   G8 down, but not out, as G20 makes pledges on crisis If the big headline for April’s G20 Summit (See IU April 2009) was the $1.2 trillion pledged to tackle the financial crisis, this month’s showcase was the G20 itself, as the 20 countries crowned themselves the premier fora on global finance. Next year’s G8 in Canada will in fact be preceded by a G20 meeting, which Ottawa will co-host with 2010 G20 chair Seoul. Earlier this month, Liberal opposition leader Michael Ignatieff went one step further, suggesting that the G8 not bother meeting any more, and calling for a permanent G20 secretariat in Canada.   Read more ...
