
Il y a 14 years 11 months.   .   Le G8 est affaibli mais vivant; le G20 prend des engagements face à la crise Si le gros titre du Sommet du G20 d’avril dernier (voir Mise à jour, avril 2009) était l’injection de 1,2 billion de dollars pour lutter contre la crise financière, ce mois-ci, c’est le G20 lui-même qui faisait la manchette, le Groupe des Vingt s’étant autocouronné instance suprême en matière de finances mondiales. Le G8 qui se tiendra au Canada l’an prochain sera, de fait, précédé par une rencontre du G20 qui sera parrainée par Ottawa, conjointement avec Séoul qui présidera le G20 en 2010. Plus tôt, le chef de l’opposition et chef du parti Libéral Michael Ignatief est allé plus loin en suggérant que le G8 devrait cesser de se réunir et en réclamant la création d’un secrétariat permanent du G20 au Canada.   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 11 months.   Domestic legislation, Government of Canada policies and positions, Human rights, Poverty, Transparency and disclosure.   Introduction The Official Development Assistance (ODA) Accountability Act (ODA Act) came into force on June 28, 2008. This now legally requires Canadian ODA to contribute to poverty reduction, take into account the perspectives of the poor, and be consistent with international human rights standards. Over the past year, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Foreign Affairs Canada (FAC), and Finance Canada have been developing plans on how to interpret and implement the Act. To date, only Finance Canada has held a consultation on the Act, with neither CIDA nor FAC disclosing its plans. Consultations must be held before September 30, 2009, when CIDA is expected to release the first annual report on the Act.   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 11 months.   Government of Canada policies and positions.   G8 down, but not out, as G20 makes pledges on crisis If the big headline for April’s G20 Summit (See IU April 2009) was the $1.2 trillion pledged to tackle the financial crisis, this month’s showcase was the G20 itself, as the 20 countries crowned themselves the premier fora on global finance. Next year’s G8 in Canada will in fact be preceded by a G20 meeting, which Ottawa will co-host with 2010 G20 chair Seoul. Earlier this month, Liberal opposition leader Michael Ignatieff went one step further, suggesting that the G8 not bother meeting any more, and calling for a permanent G20 secretariat in Canada.   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 11 months.   Domestic legislation, Government accountability, Government of Canada policies and positions, IFI policies and positions.   Since 2005, the Halifax Initiative Coalition has produced an annual Report Card on the Department of Finance's Annual Report to Parliament on the Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act - namely on the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Past Report Cards have found that Finance's Reports provide some good background information on the history, mandate and operations of the institutions. However, they fall short on providing the qualitative and quantitative information necessary to provide Canadians with an adequate picture of Canada's relations with the Bank and the Fund, and how our participation within these institutions is achieving our development and foreign policy goals. As this report is, effectively, the only means by which Parliament and the public is officially informed of Canada's relations with these institutions, the lack of information creates a serious gap in public accountability and awareness.   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 11 months.   Sustainability, Tax Justice.   Between December 1998 and March 1999, in a campaign led by the Halifax Initiative Coalition and that led to a number of Committee and Parliamentary debates (Oct. 16, 1997; Oct 28, 1998; Feb 3, 1999 Part 1 and Part 2), Canadians rallied in support of a Private Member's Motion in the House of Commons, which stated, "that in the opinion of the House, the government should enact a tax on financial transactions in concert with the international community."   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 11 months.   .       Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 12 months.   .   Contexte | Processus des tables rondes | Quand et où | Comment participer | Rapport mensuel Contexte Le Comité permanent des affaires étrangères et du commerce international (CPAECI) du Parlement a déposé, en juin 2005, un rapport marquant sur L’exploitation minière dans les pays en développement et la responsabilité sociale des entreprises.   Read more ...
Il y a 14 years 12 months.   .   Qui sommes nous? La Coalition de l'Initiative d'Halifax (IH), comme bon nombre de ses membres, fait partie du Réseau canadien sur la reddition de comptes des entreprises (RCRCE). Toutefois, l'IH et le RCRCE ne sont pas synonymes. Chacun de ces organismes a ses propres membres et son propre mandat.   Read more ...
